ranvir's nervousness

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The driver quickly gets out of the car and opens the door, Ranveer gets out of the car, puts Ishita on the stretcher, and quickly takes her inside!!

The nurse takes her inside and informs the doctor, Ranveer goes to the doctor and angrily says, "Treat her quickly, if something happens to her, I will burn your entire hospital and throw you in the same fire." The female doctor gets scared to the core seeing the anger in Ranveer's eyes, and quickly checks Ishita!! The doctor checks Ishita's pulse, then quickly gives her an injection, and then puts her on a drip!! Ranveer became a little normal after seeing that Ishita is breathing, he had just panicked, was so nervous till now, that he was not even aware of what he was doing, he was quietly sitting on one side!! The doctor comes to him and says, "Mr. Singhania, she is absolutely fine now, it seems she has not eaten or drunk anything for many days, that is why she is very weak." , and she has also suffered a very deep shock due to something!!

Her BP had become very low, due to which her pulse had become very slow,!! You can take her by evening!! But keep one thing in mind that she should eat and drink on time, otherwise she may get more weakness, saying this the doctor leaves from there!!

Ranveer does not say anything, just silently keeps staring at the doctor leaving!! After a while Akshay comes there and is surprised to see Ishita like this, and goes to Ranveer and says, - what has happened to her, and why did you bring her here like this, you know that mother and Raj are still here, what if they see!!

Ranveer angrily says - If they want to see then let them see, it is good that they will also get to know what punishment I have given to the culprit of RV, and anyway this is nothing, I am going to make him suffer even more than this,,

Akshay looks at Ranveer in surprise and says - Well if this is the case then why did you bring him here in such a hurry, if he had let him die, your revenge would have been complete!!

Ranveer angrily catches Akshay by the collar and says - You bastard, control your tongue, I will kill you!!

Akshay smiling - Why, what happened, why is it bothering you so much, and why are you so scared,

Ranveer stutters and says - Why would it bother me, it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me!!

It matters Ranveer, it matters to you, it matters a lot, because you love this girl,

Ranveer looks at Akshay in surprise, Akshay says again, "This is the same girl about whom you always used to talk, you were even going to propose her, then what is all this!! Why are you doing all this, why are you torturing her and torturing yourself too,

Stop your nonsense, I don't love her, understood and anyway such girls can't belong to anyone, it's good that I got to know the truth on time, saying this Ranveer goes out!!! Akshay also goes behind him!!

On the other hand Aarav has been released from jail, and he goes straight to Ranveer's office to meet him, as soon as Aarav reaches the office he starts shouting loudly, Ranveer, Ranveer Singhania get out!!

Then the guards present there say, Who are you and why are you shouting like this, and "Sir has not come to office today, go away from here!!

Aarav leaves from there in anger and reaches straight to his home, Abhinav ji and Shreya ji get happy seeing Aarav,

Shreya ji hugs Aarav, Abhinav ji asks in surprise, how did you come out,??

Aarav says in anger, - That Ranveer has withdrawn the case, I told you dad that he is doing all this only for his benefit, he had to spoil my name, he did that, but now I will not leave him!

But why will he do this, what will Ranveer get by doing all this,, hey what is our status in front of Ranveer, we are not even ten percent in front of him, then why will he do all this!! And to destroy you, he will come here or from London,! I don't believe it, Aarav you are definitely hiding something,, - says Abhinav ji!!

Aarav's head was spinning due to tension, he quietly sits on the sofa, and starts thinking in his mind, - yes, why would Ranveer do this,, and even though I have a dispute with Raj, why would Ranveer do this for him!!

Is what I am thinking true, did Ranveer do all this on Ishita's behest?? Do these two really know each other from before!!

Vishal ji says sadly - Aarav son you have come home, now bring our daughter too, I don't know in what condition she would be, I don't know where she has hidden it!!

Aarav angrily says - Your daughter must have gone with that Ranveer of her own free will, I feel that both of them were having an affair but you would never have married her to that goon, that's why he got me trapped in a false case and sent me to jail and married her himself, otherwise you only think why would Ranveer Singhania marry Ishita like this!!

Stop it Aarav, you have said enough, our daughter is not at fault, she cannot even think of doing this, don't know where that bastard must have hidden our daughter, what must he be doing with her - Vishal ji says in a worried voice!!

Anjali ji also says while crying - Aarav beta please try to find our daughter, don't know what trouble she must be in, just introduce us to her once!!

Aarav was getting very angry, he too was not able to understand why Ranveer married Ishita!! Does he love Ishita????

Uncle aunty we will go to Ranveer's house tomorrow, let's see what he replies!!!! Abhinav ji says - Aarav there is no use, we went but Ranveer turned us back from the gate itself, he didn't tell us anything about Ishita!!

Aarav quietly goes to his room from there, and takes off his clothes and goes to the bathroom, Aarav stands under the shower, and angrily hits his hand on the wall, and says, - Why did you do this, why did you become that Ranveer's before becoming mine, why why why!!

Ranveer Singhania, you have forcibly married my would-be wife, you did not do well, and Ishita, if you have also tried to cheat me then it will cost you very dearly!!

I had started loving you, I thought that I will become a good husband by marrying you, I will love you a lot but it seems that you did not like this Aarav, just let me meet you once, then I will tell you what is the real face of Aarav!!


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