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chapter 4

Aarav understood by seeing Ishita's condition that she is in some shock, so he sends Ishita and Aarushi home with the driver, and himself stays there for some time!!

Ishita was very quiet in the car, and even after coming home she doesn't say anything and goes straight to her room!!! Aarushi was asking her again and again what the matter was but no words were coming out of Ishita's mouth, she says to Aarushi, please Aarushi we will talk tomorrow I am very tired!!! Aarushi doesn't say anything and quietly goes to her room!!

After Aarushi leaves, Ishika goes to the washroom, turns on the shower and sits under it, and remembering that incident, she starts crying loudly. Ishita tries to clean herself properly.

Ishita says to herself — why did you do all this to me, what harm did I do to you, who are you!! Ishita was hitting her hands and legs on the floor like a mad woman and was crying!!!

On the other side, that person says to someone — who is this girl, where does she live, what is her relation with Aarav Khanna, I need all the details by tomorrow, otherwise tomorrow will be your last day!!

The man standing in front of that person was trembling with fear, there was sweat on his forehead and he immediately replies — yes sir, I will get all the information by tomorrow evening!! And that man quickly leaves the cabin

Next day ——

Ishita was still sleeping in her room, everyone was having breakfast, then Abhinav ji says — why didn't Ishita come down today!! Aarushi says —— Dad, it seems she is very tired, she was very busy for many days and she did not rest properly, maybe that is the reason

Shreya ji says —— Yes, Aarushi is absolutely right, she was very worried about this event that it should go well, no problem, let her rest today!!

Aarav thinks in his mind ——— Is she angry with what I said yesterday, or she felt bad that is why she is not coming out!! I should go and talk to her, what happened to her suddenly in the party!!

Aarav remembers last night how he held Ishita's waist tightly and how close Ishita was to him, thinking this a smile comes on Aarav's face and soon it also disappears.

Aarav says while getting up - Mom I had to ask something to Ishita, I will discuss something with her if she wakes up!! Otherwise my work will remain pending!!

Aarav without anyone's answer silently goes towards Ishita's room, then Abhinav ji says - what work of his will remain pending!! Everyone was watching Aarav leaving with shocking eyes, then Shreya ji says - it seems your son has found a daughter-in-law for you!!

Abhinav ji, Aarushi and Shreya ji all three were smiling looking at each other!!

On the other side Ishita was still lying in her room, Aarav knocks, Ishita says - Who??

Aarav coming inside - Please May I come!!! Ishita gets nervous seeing Aarav and gets up and sits and says - Please Mr. Khanna, come!! Did you have any work!!

Aarav looks at Ishita with lusty eyes and says - Are you okay, you suddenly came back home from the party yesterday!! Is there any problem!! Ishita lowers her head - No!!!

So you felt bad about what I said!!! Ishita still doesn't say anything and neither does she shake her head!! Aarav was really getting confused now, he felt that maybe Ishita was angry with his words, that's why she suddenly disappeared from there and then started asking him to come home

Aarav hiding his devil face tells her lovingly —— Sorry Ishita if you felt bad, but I didn't mean that. I really want to marry you, but I didn't know how and when to say this!!!

Look, think about what I said and then reply!!

Ishita starts crying louder after hearing this. Aarav gets scared seeing Ishita and thinks what if mom and dad see her crying and ask her something and she tells them everything about yesterday.!!!! No Aarav make her quiet or else your respect will be ruined!!

Aarav goes and sits beside Ishita and says —— Please Ishita be quiet, I didn't mean that, I just.... Before Aarav could say anything further, Ishita hugs him, for Aarav this was nothing less than a dream.

Ishita always stayed away from him, never allowed him to touch her even a little, but today she was hugging him like this, Aarav was surprised but a mysterious smile came on his face, seeing Ishita so close to him, his breath stopped!!

Aarav slowly starts caressing Ishita's back, and feels her by closing his eyes!!! Ishita was still crying but Aarav wanted to get her more than knowing the reason for her crying!!

Aarav gets intoxicated and starts kissing Ishita on her neck, when Ishita realizes this, she quickly moves back, now Aarav was very close to Ishita's lips, so he was about to kiss her when Ishita quickly stands up and turns her face to the other side,

Aarav gets very angry seeing this and makes a fist in anger, but seeing Ishita looking in that direction, he takes Ishita in his arms from behind, and says - Ishita what happened, why are you behaving like this, please come close to me and make me yours, I want to completely merge into you!! You can't even imagine how much I am longing to get you!!

Ishita was not able to tolerate this anymore, Aarav's words were pricking her like thorns, and she was very upset with whatever happened to her last night, so she angrily slaps Aarav, due to which Aarav's face turns to one side!!

After slapping him, Ishita thinks that she has made a big mistake and she puts both her hands on her mouth and starts moving back, Aarav shouts angrily, have you lost your mind? Idiot,

Ishita panics and says - Sorry Mr. Khanna!!! I did not want to do this!!!!

Aarav comes from there without wasting a moment and sits straight in his car!!

He angrily says to himself - you bit...!!! You are not worth a penny and you raised your hand on me!!! I thought that I will marry you first and then....but now I will have to tell you your place Miss Ishita Kapoor!!


On the other side, in a big villa, someone is sitting on a luxury sofa, who has deep blue eyes, and a very attractive face, his personality is such that anyone would lose their heart to him, just like Ishita had already fallen in love with him after seeing him!!! Yes, this is Ranveer Singhania!!! Who is having a very important discussion with someone.

Ranveer Singhania is sitting with one leg on the other, there are two people in front of him, whose age would be between 40-45!! The first of those two people says —— Mr. Singhania, you left your deal incomplete and came back to India!! We had to come specially to get this deal signed, could you not wait for one more day?

On hearing this, Ranveer starts staring at him angrily and signals his bodyguard, as soon as Ranveer signals, two people stand pointing guns at him and Ranveer's assistant Akshay tells him —— Lower your voice!! No one has the courage to even raise his voice in front of the boss, be thankful that you are still alive!!

Both the men start trembling with fear, and with folded hands ask for forgiveness —— Mr. Singhania please forgive us, just sign these papers and we will leave!!

A devilish smile comes on Ranveer's face, and he says to Akshay —— Deal cancelled!! Now throw this garbage out!!! And Ranveer gets up from there and leaves!!

Akshay says to the bodyguard —— Now these two should not be seen in this city again, explain it to them properly —— saying this Akshay goes behind Ranveer!!!

Ranveer goes and sits in a bar in the villa and starts drinking wine!!!! Akshay surprisingly says to Ranveer —— Ranveer what have you done, why did you cancel the deal??? We will also suffer loss in this!!!

(Akshay is not only Ranveer's assistant but also his very good friend!!!)

Ranveer says without any emotion - No loss is bigger than my disrespect!

next please—-

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