terrible punishment

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Ranveer had come to a hospital in Mumbai, he goes up in the lift and sits near a bed in the ICU ward,, where a girl of about 19-20 years is lying on a bed,, Ranveer holds the girl's hand and starts kissing it,, the girl's hand was still in Ranveer's hand,, and her tears were continuously flowing,,

Ranveer looks at that girl and says, - I have found both of them,, I will not leave them,, because of both of them you are here today,, just get well soon so that you can see them die in agony!!

Then a woman of about 55 years puts her hand on Ranveer's shoulder,, Ranveer was still just looking at that girl,, that woman is Ranveer's mother Mansi Singhania,, and that girl is Ranveer's sister Aarvi!!

Mansi ji tells Ranveer - Son, take care of yourself, the doctor has just finished his checkup, and he was saying that RV will regain consciousness very soon!!

Ranveer's eyes shine with happiness, he could not believe that God had listened to him today!! Ranveer happily hugs his mother, and says - Mom, I am going to destroy the people who are responsible for my sister's condition very soon, from today onwards, they will remember my cruelty before harming anyone!!!

On the other side, Aarav and Ishita were going home, Aarav was driving, and Ishita was sitting on the seat next to him!!! Aarav was repeatedly looking at Ishita with intense eyes, Ishita was also feeling his sharp eyes, but she was pretending to be ignorant even after understanding!!

Ishita thinks in her mind,, —— I am ruining my life to fulfill my dreams, I have done what I had to do,, now I should go back, I will go back home tomorrow itself.!!

While thinking like this, some drops of water start rolling down from the corners of Ishita's eyes! And she also wipes them while hiding them from Aarav,, in a short while the car reaches Khanna mansion,,

Ishita gets down from the car and quickly goes inside the house so that she does not have to talk much to Aarav,, Aarav starts smiling seeing her going like this,, and says, —— After all, how far will you run and till when, you have to come to me only,, that too under me..!! Saying this, Aarav starts laughing like a devil.

As soon as Ishita steps into the house, she gets shocked by what she sees in front of her. She could not believe her eyes that her parents were sitting in front of her. Aarav comes from behind and says to Ishita - Surprise!!!

Ishita gets happy to see her parents and runs to hug them. Tears come in Ishita's eyes. Ishita's mother says to her - How are you my child? Ishita wipes her tears and says - I am fine mom how are you and hugs her father.

Ishita felt like crying louder and bringing out all the pain hidden in her heart but she could not do that. Even if she wanted to, she could not forget the incident that happened to her. But she did not have the courage to tell anyone,

Shreya ji tells everyone ——— Come dinner is ready, all of you have dinner, Ishita and Aarav you both also freshen up quickly and come, Ishita quickly goes to her room, and after going to her room she thinks —— It is good that mom and dad have come, I will go back with them tomorrow, I don't feel like staying here at all, and Ishita takes her night wear and goes to the bathroom!!

After some time everyone was sitting at the dining table, everyone had almost finished dinner, then Ishita's father says —— Ishita beta, your uncle has asked for your hand for Aarav, beta you don't have any objection!!

Ishita gets shocked hearing this, she looks at her parents and then at Aarav who was sitting there and smiling at Ishita!!

Ishita was getting very angry, she understood that Aarav has done all this, her father asks again - Beta tell me, do you accept this relationship!!

Ishita did not want to marry Aarav, she thinks in her mind - Ishita if she remains silent like this then she will keep crying throughout her life, you will have to take a stand for yourself!! Till the time you do not say anything everyone will keep taking advantage of you,

No father I do not accept this relationship, Ishita said it clearly but her heart beats had become very fast, she was afraid that she does not know how Aarav will react!!

Then Abhinav ji says —— It's okay beta, it's your decision, you think carefully before taking the decision!!

Ishita stands up and says — I have taken my decision, and dad we are going back home tomorrow, saying this Ishita goes to her room!!!

Everyone watches Ishita leaving, Aarav clenches his fist, he was so angry that he wanted to kill Ishita right now, still he gets up from there with a fake smile and goes to his room!!

Ishita's parents go to Ishita's room and tell her —— Beta why are you refusing, Aarav is such a good boy and his parents also want to make you their daughter-in-law,

Ishita says while crying —— Papa can't I take the decision of my life as per my wish!!

Son, when did we refuse, but still you should think once again —— Ishita's father says with great hope and leaves from there, and her mother also follows him!!

Here Aarav was throwing things in his room in anger and says in his mind —— A worthless girl will refuse to marry me, I am also not dying to marry you, I just wanted to get you once and then ...

It doesn't matter if you don't want to marry me then don't, but no one can stop you from being mine!! Saying this, a devilish smile comes on Aarav's face!!


Ranveer is in his private villa,, and Akshay is still with him!! Both are sitting and drinking, Akshay says to Ranveer -—— Ranveer I think you should go back to London now,, you are needed more there,, Raj will take care of everything here!!

If Raj would have taken care of everything then I wouldn't have to come here,, now that I have come, I will go only after making everything right!! I will give such a terrible punishment to those people that they will beg for their death especially that Ishita Kapoor who being a girl could not understand another girl!!!

Khanna Mansion ———

Next morning Ishita is ready to go back home with her parents, she touches the feet of Abhinav ji and Shreya ji and takes their blessings, and hugs Aarushi, they were just about to go out when Aarav comes there and stops them and says — Ishita, if you don't want to marry me then don't, but don't leave your career in the middle like this,

No Mr. Khanna, I am not leaving from here because I don't want to marry you, rather I had already decided to leave from here yesterday!!!

I don't want to stay here anymore, and Mr. Khanna thank you so much for helping me so much, I will never forget your favor, but please let me go now!!!

Aarav angrily says – Look Ishita, I did not do all this so that you leave everything in the middle, it is okay if you want to go, but keep completing the projects that I have taken on your trust.

Sorry Ishita, but I signed a deal without asking you, and sent your designs to that company, they like your work very much. If I had known that you would leave everything in the middle like this, I would not have signed this deal, and anyway I did all this for you!!!

Ishita's mother explains to Ishita – my child , this is wrong, you really cannot leave in the middle like this, you had such a big dream, when it is getting fulfilled, then why are you leaving in the middle like this!!

Ishita did not have any answer, maybe she herself did not know why she was doing this,

Aarav says again — Ishita, just get these designs ready once and then I will not say anything to you!! If you want to leave this job then leave it!!

Ishita thinks in her mind — Aarav ji did so much for me, then how can I do this to him!!

Okay Mr. Khanna, I will work in future also,, everyone becomes happy after hearing Ishita's decision!!

And Aarav starts smiling while leaving from there,, he comes out of the house and starts laughing like a demon,, and then suddenly changes his expression, and says angrily — Ishita, how can I let you go so easily,, I did so much for you, in return you will also have to give me something!!

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