I hate you

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Ranveer was sitting with his head down when his mom comes and puts her hand on his head, "What happened son, why are you so upset, and why are you sitting here!!"

Ranveer gets shocked seeing his mom, then he remembers that aarvi  is also here, he shakes his head and says, -. Nothing mom, just like that!!

Let's go,,  meet aarvi , she  was remembering you!! Ranveer stands up without saying anything and starts going towards aarvi's room, then he sees Ishita coming from the front, Ranveer's eyes get cold on seeing her!!

He looks back and signals Akshay and quickly follows his mom!!

Arvi was looking much better now, she gets very happy seeing Ranveer and says - Bhaiya where are you going, please stay with me!!

Ranveer slaps Arvi lovingly - You have to rest too, if I stay here then you will just keep talking to me, then how will you rest!!

Bhaiya now I don't want to rest, I am absolutely fine, please take me home!! I don't feel good here at all!!

Okay, first let the doctor confirm that you are absolutely fine and you can go home, then we will see what to do, till then no argument, only rest———! Ranveer says scolding!! Ranveer sits with Arvi for some time!!

On the other hand, Akshay brings Ishita back to the villa, both of them were still in the car!! Ishita was looking out of the window but was not reacting, Akshay sitting in the front looks at Ishita through the mirror, who looks very innocent to him!!

Akshay wanted to talk to Ishita, wanted to ask something but without Ranveer's permission he could not even talk to Ishita, so he keeps sitting quietly!!

In a short while, both of them reach the villa. Ishita quietly gets down from the car and starts going inside. Akshay does not like seeing Ishita so quietly. Ishita had just reached the room when Akshay says to her, "Are you okay?"

Ishika says without turning back, "Yes."

Akshay keeps looking at her going inside and comes out and sits in the garden, and starts waiting for Ranveer to come. It gets quite late but Ranveer does not come, so Akshay calls him. Ranveer says, "Ranveer, where are you? When will you come?"

I am just leaving from here. Ranveer replies. Akshay looks at the time on his phone. It means at least one hour. And saying this, he starts going inside. He was going towards his room when he hears Ishita sobbing. Akshay slowly walks into Ishita's room,

He could not go inside so he came out and went to his room, and was parading around angrily!!

Ishita was still in a lot of pain, but she was quietly sitting like this, tolerating the pain!! After a while Ranveer comes in the room, Ishita understands but she does not look at him!!

Ranveer holds her hand and pulls her towards himself, due to which Ishita hugs Ranveer, Ranveer's hands were on Ishita's back, due to which she was feeling pain

Ishita moving away from Ranveer - Please leave me, it's hurting a lot!!

Ranveer smiling - I told you, that when I torture you, you won't be able to bear it!!

But why, why are you doing all this, what have I done!! Why are you troubling me!! Ishita says while crying!!

Remember, maybe you have also done something bad to someone, and you are getting punished for it!! Ranveer says while hugging Ishita!!

I did not do it, but yes you must have done something bad to someone, in fact you are doing it to me!! And anyway a person like you cannot do good to anyone, because you are a goon, whose job is to harass people, threaten them and beat them up!! And what not!!

Ranveer looks at Ishita angrily and then picks her up and throws her on the bed, Ishita raises her head and looks at Ranveer who takes off his shirt and comes on top of her, and starts kissing her, all this happened so suddenly that Ishita did not get time to understand anything, Ranveer was kissing her neck and biting it!! Then he starts coming to her lips, Ishita gets nervous —— What are you doing, please leave me!!!

Ranveer kisses her lips lightly —— I also know how to love, should I show it???

Ishita pushes Ranveer back - No, get away from me !! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you !!!

Ranveer looks at Ishita angrily and says - I hate you too !!! Ishita's eyes were about to meet Ranveer's when he quickly gets up and moves aside, Ishita keeps looking at Ranveer, she was remembering something, she was having a very strange feeling,

Ishita closes her eyes and tries to remember something, she starts remembering all that again, Ishita's heart was beating very fast, she was still shivering, Ranveer looks at Ishita, who was still staring at Ranveer !!

Ranveer gets up from there, wears his shirt and goes outside. Ishita gets up and says to herself - the more I fear him, the more he will scare me. I have to do something, I can't live like this anymore!!

Ishita takes her new clothes which Ranveer brought and goes to the bathroom. She comes out after taking a shower. "I don't want to stay here. I have to leave from here, but how? His bodyguards are outside and it is already night. I can't leave this deserted place at this late hour. I will leave from here tomorrow morning, no matter what happens."

Ishika comes out of the room and looks around and thinks that if this monster sees me outside, I don't know how he will react, but I have to go out. I feel suffocated inside.

Ishita goes a little ahead and sees the kitchen, and she thinks in her mind, what is the use of the kitchen when there is nothing to eat in it!!

Ishita looks around and says, where is this devil now, if he gets angry again after seeing me like this then.... let it be, I will see!!

Ishita goes straight to the kitchen, and her eyes widen on seeing in front, there were so many different types of fruits lying in front of her, as soon as Ishita goes inside the kitchen, her face turns pale, because Ranveer was cutting fruits in the kitchen, probably to make juice!!

Ishita starts coming back when Ranveer sees her and says, wait come here!!

Ishita goes inside nervously, and says —— Yes, tell me,,

Ranveer looks at her with cold eyes, Ishita lowers her face, Ranveer offers the glass of juice and says —— Finish it now!!

Ishita looks at Ranveer in surprise and thinks in her mind, — You care so much for me!! But why!!

Ranveer says again —— I am not in the habit of repeating things,

Ishita quickly takes the glass and starts drinking the juice,, Ranveer stands quietly and watches her!! Ishita was not able to drink the juice like this, she was feeling uncomfortable in front of Ranveer!!

As soon as Ishita finishes her juice, Ranveer takes her in his arms and takes her to the room. Ishita was not able to understand Ranveer's behavior. She thinks in her mind - Mr. Ranveer Singhania, whatever you have done to me today, I will never forgive you, I hate you!! Ishita's eyes get wet!!

Ranveer brings Ishita to the room and throws her on the bed with force.

Ishita screams loudly - What have you done, why do you do this!!

Be thankful that I have thrown you on the bed only, if you come out of the room next time, I will throw you down from the top, like you did to me -

Ranveer stops in the middle while saying this, and comes out after closing the door!

Ishita cries - What to say of the room, tomorrow I am going to run away from this house, let's see how you stop me!!

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