wedding night

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After about 2 hours, Ranveer comes to his villa with Ishika, he forcibly takes Ishika to a room and locks it and himself comes out and goes somewhere, Ishika quickly knocks on the door and says, please let me out, why have you imprisoned me here, please let me out, there was no one there to hear Ishika's voice,

Ishika was crying continuously, her eyes had become red due to crying, she quietly goes and sits on the bed, and starts thinking why did Ranveer do this!! Why did he marry her forcibly, when she does not even know him well, she had met Ranveer only once and that too in a very dangerous position!! Ishika goes into her flashback ——

About a month ago, Ishika had gone to a bank, she had to withdraw some money from there, that too a very large amount which she could not transfer online, Ishika was sitting in the manager's cabin, and was saying something to him, the manager tells her, ma'am just wait for five more minutes, I will get your work done right away, then some sounds start coming from outside,

The manager gets up and goes out, when the manager does not return for a long time, Ishika tries to look outside,

As soon as Ishika looks outside, her eyes widen with surprise, some robbers had entered that bank, who had taken everyone hostage, Ishika gets very scared seeing this and quickly comes inside and hides under the desk,

Ishika remains hidden under the desk for a long time, then a man comes inside, Ishika gets very scared hearing his sound. , and that man quietly comes and sits on the chair and talks to someone on the phone.

He was telling someone, - Come inside the bank quickly, some robbers have entered the bank, I don't have any gun right now, and I don't even know how many people are there, so I can't fight them!!

Ishika gets a little relaxed after hearing that at least he is not a robber but a common man like her, but still she doesn't come out!!

The man angrily says to himself - I can't sit here like a coward anymore, I have to go out, I will see these people right now,

The man was about to open the door and go out, when suddenly someone pulls him back, the man gets more angry with this sudden action, and he shouts - What the hell are you... Before saying anything further, Ranveer becomes silent after seeing that girl, Ishita was looking at him in fear,

That man was Ranveer, and he angrily says to Ishita - What was this, why did you pull me like this??

Ishita in fear - Look Mr. whoever you are, but you are a human being, there are many robbers outside and those people also have guns, you cannot fight them, so don't go from here until the police does not come here!! If you stay here, maybe your life will be saved!!

Ishita had just said this when the sound of firing was heard from outside, Ishika screamed, Ranveer quickly put his hand on her mouth and silenced her, Ishika's heart was beating very fast, Ranveer was so close to Ishita that he could easily hear her heart beat, Ishika was very scared,

Ranveer lifts his hand from her mouth, Ishita's eyes were closed, taking advantage of which he was continuously looking at her, seeing Ishita a smile comes on Ranveer's face, one of Ranveer's hands was on her shoulder and the other on the other side wall, Ishita was imprisoned in Ranveer's arms!!

Ishita slowly opens her eyes and looks at Ranveer, whose entire attention was now on the activities happening outside, Ranveer turns again and looks at Ishita, their eyes meet, Ishita becomes uncomfortable, seeing this Ranveer steps back a bit, and says, relax, don't be afraid, being afraid doesn't solve the problem, it only increases it.

Ishita stands quietly with her head down, Ranveer suddenly goes out, Ishita is surprised to see him go, and thinks, how can he be so daring,

After that Ishika did not see Ranveer coming or going to the bank, after many days she saw him outside the Esc Club when she went there with Aarushi, she was waiting for Aarushi to return in the car, then Ranveer comes out of the car, and goes straight inside with his body guards without recognizing her

After he leaves, she comes to know his name and work from the driver, Ishita's heart was broken when she came to know that he is a gangster, but she had not come out of his memories yet!!

Ishika comes back from her flashback, and sitting in the room thinks, - why did he marry me! And what enmity did he have with Aarav that he sent him to jail, is Aarav really such a bad person!! Just like that inspector was saying!

Night time——-

Ranveer comes to Ishita's room, Ishita's dupatta was lying on the couch, and Ishita was lying on the bed, Ishita gets shocked to see Ranveer and quickly gets up and sits, Ranveer slowly comes close to her,

Ishita was feeling very uncomfortable without the dupatta, the neck of her blouse was very deep so her body was getting revealed, Ranveer was looking at her with burning eyes,, seeing this Ranbir's fists tighten,

Ishita quickly gets up and goes to take her dupatta but Ranveer stops her by holding her hand, and pulls her towards his chest, Ranveer's whole attention was on his chest, Ishika sees him following his eyes and she gets shocked,,

Ishita's whole body was trembling, she was not able to say anything, now Ranveer was looking at her lips, he was touching her lips He was coming closer when Ishita started hitting him on his chest and pushing him away, but it was not having any effect on Ranveer!! He was standing quietly at his place and staring at her!!

When Ishita gets tired of moving her hands for a long time, she stands at one place and starts taking deep breaths,

Seeing this, a smile comes on Ranveer's lips, and he says to Ishita - you just had to show this much strength, you got tired so soon!!

Ishita asks angrily, - Why are you doing this to me, why did you marry me, why did you send Aarav ji to jail!! What harm has Aarav ji done to you!!

Ranveer gets very angry on hearing Aarav ji from Ishita's mouth, he holds Ishita's shoulders tightly and says, you said Aarav ji again in front of me, you can't even imagine what I will do to you, understood.

Now you are my wife so only my name should be on your lips!! Ishita says while crying, please leave me, I am in pain!!

Ranveer turns her face up - I haven't hurt you yet, when I will, how will you bear it!!

While saying this, Ranbir starts pulling Ishita's blouse down from the shoulder, and bites her shoulder hard, Ishika was screaming in pain, but Ranveer was not leaving her, Ranveer leaves her after biting her badly, and winks his eyes at her!!

Ishita had tears in her eyes. Seeing Ranveer moving away from her, Ishita tries to run away from him, but without giving her a chance, Ranveer pulls Ishita and throws her on the bed, and comes on top of her.

What are you doing, please leave me!! Ishita says in fear.

Hey, how can I leave you like this, we are married today, then there will be Suhaag Raat, why are you scared like you don't know anything, and anyway if you had got married to Aarav, you would have been celebrating Suhaag Raat with him right now!! - saying this Ranveer removes Ishika's clothes in one go.

He puts his lips on hers and starts kissing her, Ranveer's kiss was very hard and full of anger, Ishita was once again becoming the victim of Ranveer's anger, she did not know till now that it was Ranveer who had misbehaved with her!!

Leaving Ishita's lips, Ranveer comes to her neck, and starts biting her along with kissing her, Ishita shouts and says, - Please leave me, please not beyond this, now I will not be able to bear it, I will really die, please leave me!!

If you want to die, then die, you deserve this, I don't care about you, I married you only to see you suffer like this every day!!

After all, you should also know what pain and helplessness is, Ranveer gets up from her and starts taking off his clothes, Ishita gets very scared seeing this, she starts remembering her past when she became a victim of some unknown person's lust, and today she is a victim of her own husband's anger, but what is her fault, why is he torturing her like this!!

Ranveer was about to come on top of Ishita when her phone starts ringing, Ranveer gets surprised to see someone's number on the phone, he quickly picks up the phone, then without saying anything, he wears his clothes and leaves from there,

Seeing Ranveer leaving from there, Ishita feels a little relaxed, and quickly covers herself with the blanket!! Ishita did not have clothes to change, so she fell asleep like that!!


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