1. Why is my brother such an idiot?

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You shake your head aggressively and using a simple fire spell you cooked the letter in your hand, burning it to a crisp before it making it disappear after reading its contents thoroughly.

Looking out the window on this bright early morning, you sighed wearily.

"Well let's hope he can even pass the entrance exam before I should begin to worry."

Your watch began to ring sounding an alarm and you hopped up to the call. Throwing on your white cultish robe, you ran downstairs to the private meeting held by the powerful leader.

"Late as usual..." the doorman insulted lowly

"Oh? I wasn't aware that you were the lord of tardiness" you deadpan before continuing
"You know, you speak loudly for someone who isn't even recognized by our.."

"Good morning F/n" Abel interrupts walking in between you both cradling his puppet in his arm with Abyss not to far behind

You smirk and shrug your shoulder at the wannabe fang lackey who just wanted your position and was a hater.

Abel only supported your last statement before you could finish your sentence.

He didn't even acknowledge their existence.

"Good morning Abel" your voice sang fluidly as you flash your award winning grin his way and then turn towards Abyss.

"Good morning Abyss I missed you the other night, I hosted game night and you didn't even bother to show" you pout cutely extending your neck towards him you tilted your head to the side concerned while staring at his mask

"Uh...uh..uh..uh..." he looks around anxiously

"Abyss was feeling a bit under the weather though I'm sure he wouldn't purposely miss a game night with you." Abel speaks up for him

"Of course he wouldn't" you smile reaching for his arm and he almost passed out from the contact of your skin touching his, then he gets a terrible nosebleed.

"Please refrain from touching him f/n you know this is still new to him."

"Oh I thought after all this time he would begin to get the hang of communicating with girls.. oh well I'll just have to keep trying!" You wink your eye playfully and smile at him with your hand resting on your hips.


"I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries and upset you in anyway Abyss."

He wanted to just say

"No. You're perfect" but he couldn't find the words to as he could only shake his head to your negative assumptions about the situation.

"Ok.. great to hear because I'd be sad if I did something to push you away.. I've actually enjoyed our time together"

So have I...

He thought as the meeting began

"As we go into a new school year the entrance exam for first years will be initiating today, let's make sure to extract all coins from their feeble hands before they can grasp truly what is going on around them" Abel announces to the rest of the fangs.

After he dismissed everyone you announced that breakfast would be held in the east wing this morning since there was no class today due to the entrance exams.

You watched as your brother ridiculously passed through his entrance exam with flying colors, it was quite amusing actually.

"Tch... those idiots" you clench your jaw rolling your eyes

"You shouldn't scowl so much f/n... you don't want to wrinkle that beautiful face you have now would you?"

You smirk recognizing the teasing tone of another younger classman approach your seat from the rear.

He was a first year as well but started a couple months prior. He places his hands across your shoulders and gave them a squeeze as he began massages them

"Mmm" you softly moan feeling his fingers quickly alleviate any pain across your neck and shoulder area

"Good afternoon to you Shuen.." you grin holding your hair to the side you look up directly at him.

Abyss watches in envy as the prideful boy approached you so lightheartedly attempting to make his mark

Who does he think he is?

You couldn't tell exactly who it was, but you could feel someone's eyes staring at you.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you have mommy issues Shuen don't you think...?" you tease while he added pressure in an obvious tense location

"How about you let me take you on a date where we can further discuss said issues I'd like to resolve" he leaned closer whispering in your ear. Your face heated up immediately as you felt his breath tickle your earlobe then down the nape of your neck

Looking at him with your apparent side eye. Your hand that rushed to feel your warm cheeks gently fell to the side of your chin as you pondered

"I think I might actually take you up on that offer" you respond slowly watching a deep shade of pink brush across his cheeks and nose as his eyes widened.

You've never considered his advances before and he wasn't sure if you are only messing with him.

The look of shock still lingered across his features

"Shocking right? I guess I'm just in a good mood today"

You sigh leaning further back into the chair enjoying every second of the massage he was giving you. With your eyes closed you didn't notice the subtle movements he made like when he leaned forward taking a gentle whiff of your hair.

The perfume you wore of course compliments your pheromones so it was overwhelming his senses.
Shuen had a thing for women who are older than him, especially one as nice to him as you are and such a beautiful structure.

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