11. Easton Olympics

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Abyss sat next to Abel minding his own business in the stadium paying attention to the screens actively feeding through the selection exam to everyone

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Abyss sat next to Abel minding his own business in the stadium paying attention to the screens actively feeding through the selection exam to everyone.

After hearing rumors that [name] has woken up earlier and was watching from inside he sighed happily as she crossed his mind.

He has confirmation of her well being and not one person would be disturbing her while she recovered.

He even went as far as pondering what type of meal he would leave at your doorstep. Just a simple gestures to make her think about ME

Out of nowhere, a hand touches his arm pulling Abyss from his daydreams he looks toward the assailant to find her being accompanied by the visionary who tried to see himself into her dorm room while she was unconscious.

The audacity he growls

Of course he was not having it Abyss bravely bore his fangs flashing his sword to the fire cane fully understanding the differential power between himself and Kaldo.

But that isn't what matters to him,

It's you that matters, it's all for you.

Above all else he swore to keep your name honorable.

He doesn't know what her relationship is with that man; he just knows he is strong enough to become a divine visionary, but he's overstepping his boundaries... she is younger than him. Abyss is aware of the age difference and doesn't approve.

"Hi Abyss" she smiles warmly greeting him, though he's ecstatic to see her up and moving again, he can only see the smirk that crept across Kaldo's lips as he firmly held her waist helping her into a stadium seat next to them.

"If you need anything else, my lady... I won't be far" he politely bows in front of her as she dismisses him leaving Abyss to imagine the worst between you two.

Your pov✨

As soon as Kal was out of sight you leaned closer to Abyss and covertly handed him some money while whispering

"Please go get me some food, REAL FOOD, I'm starving some onigiri, miso soup, pork, rice anything pleaseeee" you beg all of a sudden

He couldn't even look at you and his body began trembling from the over stimulation of you begging for something from him.

Asking would've been plenty enough, he couldn't tell you no, but begging??

Out of the question.

You are out of pocket for that.

Never has he ever witnessed something so incredibly precious in his entire life. He felt like he was struck by lightning as his heart rate quickened. The blood came pouring from his nose soon after

 The blood came pouring from his nose soon after

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"Yes.. I will go, please excuse me.." he leaves quickly while tending to his nose

"Must you always rile him up like that?" Abel asks while scratching his eyebrow seemingly annoyed

"What are you doing?" Carpaccio voice surprises you and a frightened Finn

"Can't talk I'm a wall" he responds with his eyes closed

"Oh no.. Finn..." you mumble with your fingers covering your lips

"You seem like... fun.." Carpaccio tells Finn taking a step back and you can only pray Mash runs faster

"Hmm, you look familiar... oh that's right, you're that student who barely passed... Did your brother get you in? I can't help but feel disgusted when I see talentless trash like you..."

"Oh Carpaccio..." you groan

"You are so fine, but why are you so psycho" 😭

"The cute ones usually always are!" Love leans closer to you while dipping her greedy hands into the buffet of foods Abyss brought chair side for you.

"Oh you're one to talk" you scoff

She gasps

"Are you saying that I'm cute too??" Her eyes sparkle

"Heh sure of course, just skip right over the psycho part why don't ya" 

"I asked you what someone so weak is doing acting like a big shot, surely you're aware of the difference in our strength. You're going to lose it anyways so just hand the crystal over now and it won't have to hurt...

Out of a courtesy for her, I've asked you twice now. You don't want to end up like him do you? Hand it over... I wont ask again."

"I hope he's not referring to me out there" you groan again

"Mhm I'm sure he is" love answers again you both are now equally sharing the food.

"Give it up"

Carpaccio eyes are so dark and scary now
You both hold each other trembling.

"He's so terrifying [name] what do you even see in him?!" She says through her chattering teeth

"Well believe it or not he's really intelligent, and is a whiz in dark magic. He approached me under the impression of needing help with magic history but the more I get to know him the more I feel like he just wanted an opportunity to get close to me...  he's so dreamy though and his voice is so soft yet chilling, when he speaks to me I can't help but always feel slightly intimidated but also safe simultaneously" you get off track as your hands clamp together thinking about him in adoration.

"But you're right..." you draw back a little

"He is a bit strange, maybe all he will need is a good ole fashion butt kicking from my brother!" You leap forward dramatically kicking your leg high on the seat in front of you, holding your fist up as Mash would taking in the moment

"Weaklings need to step down..."

You turn to see Carpaccio brutally attacking his chest with a blade and watched helplessly as Finn took the assualt

"I'll show you that your efforts are being wasted.." Carpaccio places the blade to his neck and you cringe  grasping Abel's arm you hide your face behind him when the stadium quieted down Abel tapped on your shoulder

"Look who showed up." You twist your neck expectantly happy to see Mash had arrived. Whatever the problem is he will figure it out, you have no doubts.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom.." you stand leaving your seat

"wa- don't you want to see the rest of this fight?"

"Nah.. he'll win" you smile dismissively waving your arm

✨ Anyone else read jujutsu kaisen?

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