12. Speechless

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After using the facilities you make your way to the produce market on campus before visiting someone in the medical clinic

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After using the facilities you make your way to the produce market on campus before visiting someone in the medical clinic.

On your way over there you hear a lively yet catastrophic tune being hummed in the direction you're walking in. Of course curious to see the musically inclined person your pace quickens hoping they haven't turned the corner in the opposite that you're coming from


"Hmm, hello darling... fancy running into you here. I see you're feeling better, a little pep in your step now huh... Are you going to visit our Carpaccio?"

"Y-yes I've brought him some fruits I know he will enjoy..

That song.. what is the name of the song you were singing?"

"Oh that? Hmm I was just orchestrating a requiem for the poor sap who is going to face me in the one on one battle..."

"Uh huh.. now Margarette you don't plan on killing my little brother do you?" Placing a hand on your hip you shift your weight onto one leg.

"Your brother?!?! The lack magic is YOUR brother?"

"Yes.. he is. And even if he wasn't you didn't plan on killing anyone, right?" You stare into their eyes until they become complaint

"Make it a good fight, but like don't kill him..."

Margarette felt for you and your relationship with Mashu; similar as they felt for the two underclass men that follow them around. The requiem that was once flowing through their head reached a higher, more mellow tune than the devastating winter that was once floating through the air.

"I'll make it good... just make sure YOU don't miss the show."  They wink playfully walking past you.

You peek into the medical bay and the nurse points you towards the right direction;

"The difference in our strength is obvious, I'm utterly outmatched"

Carpaccio lay on his back, seemingly talking to himself with his head wrapped in a bandage staring at his hand

"Why're you here?" He asks without looking at you obviously sensing your presence

"I wanted to make sure you were ok, I'm sure with Mash's strength that blow probably cracked your skull.." you lightly huff anxiously

"I'll be alright, once the goddess statue restores herself the pain will subside and I'll heal again."

"Okay... but can I still sit with you for a moment?" You ask stepping closer to his bedside

"U-uh.. sure, yeah.." he pushes his body to the opposite end of the bed laying on his side towards you. You found a comfortable spot at the other end so he didn't have to stress his neck to see you. You took off your shoes and propped your legs up on the bed next to him as well

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