4. Morning Devotion

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TW: compulsive, obsessive Yandere tendencies from our baby girl Abyss, 🍋 touching himself

"Late per usual.." the doorman greeted

"I see you still have a stick shoved up your ass as usual..." you retort

"But luckily I'm in a good mood today so I'll let your little comment slide"

"Oh? What's got you so chipper this afternoon?"

"It's my little brother he now attends Easton academy!"

Little brother...

Abyss was not far away eavesdropping in on the conversation you were having when he heard you mention your very loved and most talked about sibling

He wonders now how this will effect his time with you and instantly becomes ticked off as his head filled with jealousy

He never thought for a second that he would actually have to meet the person she would ramble on about for hours during the nights they hung out together.

In fact he never really paid close attention to the details of the things she was saying about him. If it wasn't about yourself then he didn't really care he was always too entranced by your beauty and the sound of your voice to ever actually absorb what you were saying. Just sharing that moment alone with you was enough to make him feel content.

He always felt at peace next to you, even though he rarely participated in the conversations you were having, he still wanted to be in your presence.

"You don't ever have to avoid me Abyss, your eye is unique but definitely not hideous. Besides I like you because of who you are as a person, even with your special eye. You can silence the voices in my head when you temporarily stop my magic, we're literally perfect for each other!"
You smiled in a very keen memory he had shortly after you both met each other.

F/n was the first person who ever treated him like he was someone important to them, with no guard up she pushed her way into his life every corner catching him by surprise.

Even shocking his peers as they wondered how such a beautiful, kind, soft, bubbly girl could soften the edges of someone so cold and sharp to everyone.

Not knowing the beautiful face he held behind his mask everyone probably assumed he was disfigured or something grotesque. Others only focused on the dangers of his eye and yet he had the attention of f/n and people surely noticed.

"Ah! Hi Abyss!" You smiled interrupting his thoughts. You hold out your hand wondering if he will hi five you and after a moments pause he returned the gesture. He proceeds to mentally beat himself up for not paying closer attention to the conversation you were having because maybe then he could've had the details of what dorm your beloved brother was staying in.

"Oh! Before I forget, can I come over later? I'm having trouble with my mathematics homework again.. I think they're gonna flunk me at this point" you toss your head back dramatically and he lets a small laugh escape before nodding his head.

Even in your moments of despair he couldn't help but find you so attractive.

After the gathering between the cult you followed Abyss back to his dorm room where like you; he didn't have a roommate.

Courtesy of the current Lang dorm prefect.

You pull out two meals you made ahead from your bag to share with him as an appreciation for the extra lessons. Abyss is incredibly smart and pays very close attention to detail he was the perfect tutor.

When he removes his mask to eat you can see the tinted pink that crept across his cheeks

"How come you always wear that mask anyways?"

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