15. What do you mean "I lost her?"

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"Eh... How did I get stuck baby sitting a brat like you?" Rena tosses his head back annoyed, casually walking with his hands in his pockets along side of you around the city

"First off, I'm not a brat... and Secondly don't call it babysitting, I'm not a child you know" you scoff rolling your eyes testily at the immortal cane.

Though he drew the short stick in the end of the game amongst the others; Renatus and Agito are left to keep watch over you while the others gather intel and prepare for innocent zeros next move.

Mashu and his classmates are held up preparing for the tri magic athalon- the final test for the title divine visionary.

"Also you only have to hang out with me for a couple more hours until Orter is off of work, he said he would take over and carry me until Kal returns."

"Pshht.. Kal... are you two so close that you have pet names for each other?" He retorts with a slightly jealous attitude

"I don't think that's any of your business.." you look away with sealed lips

"Mhm.. anyways, aren't you afraid of him?"

"Who Orter?! No, why would I be?"

"Well it's just after the last time you two crossed paths.."

"You mean when I made him kneel before me?" You tease lifting an eyebrow. This instantly made the beautiful masochist Agito chuckle softly to himself attempting to disguise the laugh as a cough; he covers his mouth.

Rena glares over at him in the corner of his eye before he looks you up and down again with a smirk across his lips.

"Hey don't get too cocky now.. that was just a fluke you know. He is a divine visionary and you caught him by surprise is all."

"It doesn't matter really.. all it takes is one simple slip in the wrong direction to cause even the greatest man's downfall." You kept tantalizing him with a playful tone holding up a finger with your other hand resting on your waist

You lean closer a few inches away from his face bobbing your head side to side comically

"He underestimated me, so I came out on top."

"Hm.... Ooh?" His voice groans softly with interest before continuing

"Would you say that you enjoy being on top?"

"Mhmmm" you pause glaring at him only imagining what he was insinuating

"you know you're quite clever for your age.."

"You don't say.." you respond rolling your eyes. He couldn't exactly see your facial expression but it was clear you two are blatantly flirting.

Testing each other.

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