9. Mash's sister

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✨ this chapter will touch on a little background for your story that I've created and how you came to be adopted by Regro

✨ this chapter will touch on a little background for your story that I've created and how you came to be adopted by Regro

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Whilst you slept you could hear a calming humming tune of a song. The voice was soothing and it was a song you don't actually remember hearing before... so how did it end up here in your mind.

Your body slowly began to stir and your hand reaches for your head instantly feeling a cool compress laid across your forehead you draw back in an instant surprised.

"Hmm" you stir opening your eyes slowly there was dim light in the corner illuminating your room. You look over to see the familiar shoulder length white hair with purple tips

"Mm, Abel?"

There was a small but noticeable creaking sound that you assumed was just the floor board being compressed on underneath the weight of him.

"Hello there.. I'm glad you've awakened" his voice was a bit different, He sounds rather hollow

"Hmm.. how long have I been out?" You mumble leaning up slowly instantly getting light headed

More creaking sounds as he moved...

Your brows crease together suspiciously

As your eyesight adjusted to the room you whisper

"Oculus enhance" while looking at 'Abel'

Then you noticed it.

The Abel in front of you was soulless and had no eyes.. it was a puppet.

Slightly cringing he finally responds

"Just a couple days now, I'm sorry I can't physically be there but your brother left you alone. So I've sent a puppet instead to watch over you."


"We didn't want anyone coming in bothering you while you got some rest"


"Yes Abyss and myself were concerned about you... as the prefect of the Lang dorm Mother says it is also my responsibility to protect my juniors"

"I see.. thank you Abel. I appreciate you." You say reaching for the puppets hand knowing you couldn't have any psychic visions, but he could still feel the connection of your touch

"Consider it one of my returned favors, [name.]

The puppet then turns to walk out the room and that's when you notice your door had been ripped completely off its hinges

"Tch.. That freaking idiot!" You rub the bridge of your nose angrily knowing exactly who the culprit was.

You reach into your nightstand and pull out your phone. The person you are trying to reach picks up after the very first ring -

"You're awake.. A-are you alright?" He asks, his voice clearly full of concern.

"I am.... just really hungry. What are you doing anyways?"

"I-I am on my way of course.. I would've liked to have been there when you woke but your classmates denied me access to you obviously feeling the need to guard you in some sort of manner, but the fact that they could assume that I could act so heinously towards your unconscious self really baffles me... I get they were just protecting your privacy so I didn't want to cause a scene.... But [name] if someone like that stands in my way again I will not hesitate to put them back in their place..."

"Okayy... can you please come now?"

"Y-yes, I will be there soon and I will bring you something to eat go lay back down honey."


3rd pov✨

Mash goes home to visit your father with his friends

"Mash... where is your sister?" Regro asks after it seems all the company he would have has arrived

"Uh... uh..." he groans looking around anxiously as if he already forgotten what happened just a couple days prior

"[Name] is still asleep, she found out there had been a magi insect hiding in her hair and passed out." Lance answers for him

"Ah.. I see. That explains everything. How many days has it been now?"


"Hm yes, [name] should be waking up soon then. How about you kids play a board game. She enhanced it with her magic a few years ago as a prank on Mash but it's actually quite fun to play." Regro suggest pulling out the game from the cupboard

"WHAT IS YOUR SISTERS MAGIC?!? How is she able to enhance a board game like this?" Dot asks in despair after everyone played multiple rounds of the game that kept strangely predicting their demise.

"Uhmmmm she can see stuff and predict things really, really well" mash answers extremely vague

Lance, Dot, Lemon and Finn all stare at Mash blankly wondering why he couldn't even answer such a simple question about his sister.

"Hehe don't blame Mash on this one" Regro interrupts the awkward silence

"[Name] actually doesn't like to talk about her magic because it used to scare her. Without a proper family or anyone to teach her, she was raised on the streets and had already went through a lifetime of pain at only 4 years old. No one really knows what she sees but it's clear to us that the images she conjures are terrifying and the voices are even worse.
By the time Mash ran into her, she figured out that she needed to avoid physical contact so nothing would be triggered.
Yet the hard headed Mash broke through the walls she built to protect herself as he backed her into a corner. Luckily when he touched her all she saw was cream puffs and instantly trusted him and they haven't been separated since.
With her trust in Mash, she soon opened up to me so I adopted her as well. You know when she got accepted into Easton a year earlier this was the longest they've ever been away from each other. We live so far out in the forest away from everyone for 2 reasons.

1. I didn't want anyone to discover Mash lacks magic
2. Her psychic energy overwhelms her in big crowds

Both of my kids are very special and mean a lot to me. I'm so glad to see Mash with friends and [name] making real connections with her peers at Easton academy." Regro had a moment when tears escaped the corner of his eyes as a proud father.

Finn walked around your home and found a picture of you and Mash framed together. You two are smiling holding up a cream puff in each hand. Finn pulls out the photo he had of them all together and places it next to the framed photo.

"These days will continue"

✨ hi there, firstly thank you for all the nice comments and love for the book 🥰 I just wanted to remind you that you're amazing and you should never settle for less than you deserve. Have a beautiful day/night.

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