8. Saving him

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Rayne, Kaldo and Renatus sorta clash in this chapter

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Rayne, Kaldo and Renatus sorta clash in this chapter...

"Young lady.. are you Mash Burnedead older sister?"

"Mhm yes headmaster" you bow showing your respect after meeting him in the hallway with Rayne

"Oh ho ho" he chuckles like Santa clause making you feel warm inside

"No need to be so formal..you may call me Mr. Wahlberg, you're the girl who can use black magic?"

"Yes I can, but I can also see your past and multiple different outcomes for your future from just a touch of my hand without the forbidden." you remove your gloves and extend your hand politely in case he was curious to test your abilities and he continues to chuckle

"Oh no.. this old man has got too many skeletons in his closet for some young teenager to dig into" he dismisses you with a flushed face.

"Very good sir.." you tell him slipping your fingers back into your gloves

"Come now, we mustn't delay if we are to save your brother..."

Right in the nick of time it seems that Orter would make haste in executing your brother.


You've crossed paths with the desert cane a couple of times in your life, each passing he does a double take. Almost as if he's unable to believe the amount of power you carry so modestly.

From what Kaldo speaks on him, he was very black and white about the rules..

"Rayne!" You panic reaching for his arm as he pulled his wand out and dropped a sword between Mash and Orter.

"I know that sword" Mash comments as everyone turns towards you, Rayne and Mr. Wahlberg

"OH my nee-san (big sister) is here too... she always comes to my rescue" mash says calmly making you feel warm and giddy inside.

"Might I ask you to defer his sentencing, visionaries?
Innocent zero sending a messenger like this is a first. We cannot lose him at this juncture. There is a high chance that this boy will give us a lead on them."

"I understand your position Mr. Wahlberg but, I do not accept.. order must be kept. The lack Magic's should be purged" Orter continues staring directly into your eyes with hatred as you'd been glaring at him the same.

"You're the one who's going to be purged you little shi-" you say underneath your breath with a hand on your wand that's attached to your hip

"Beg pardon.." Orter takes a step towards you testily

"what was that you just said?" He's teasing you now turning his head to the side reaching for his ear with one hand while his wand was steady in his other

"Uhmm guy... you don't want to do that..." Mash begins in the background

Furrowing your brows together, he must've thought he could intimidate you with his position... He doesn't know that you will not back down when it comes to Mash.

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