3. Family reunion

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It's been a couple weeks now since the entrance exam ended and you haven't seen Mash yet due to certain protocols

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It's been a couple weeks now since the entrance exam ended and you haven't seen Mash yet due to certain protocols.

Third person pov✨

Mash, Finn, Lemon, Dot and Lance all walked together in the hallway

Mindlessly chit chatting and bickering over something

"Yoo-hoo!" They heard a voice shouting and look forward to see someone running towards them

"Whoa.... Who is she?" Dot inquired quickly as he watched her chest bounce with each step she took

"I don't know but she's from the lang dorm.. she's wearing a magia lupus robe... stay alert" Finn mumbles

"She's like.. really pretty" Lemon compliments as she grew closer to them

"Does anyone know her? Who is she waving too?" Lemon asks out loud turning towards Lance who shakes his head.

The only person who hasn't said anything was Mash who they all slowly turn towards. He was waving at the stranger all welcomely catching them by surprise.

"We just started the school year how do you know an upper classman.. and from another dorm?!?"

Mash didn't have an opportunity to answer as he was tackled by the energetic girl called f/n

Your pov ✨

"MASHUUUUU!!!" You shout happily wrapping your arms around his neck bringing his head into your chest suffocating him immediately

"WHAT!! How is he bagging all the chicks in the school?!? THERE WONT BE ANY LEFT!!!"

"Please lower your voice Dot.." Finn starts

"WHAT!? I CANT BELIEVE MY FIANCÉ IS CHEATING ON ME" Lemon joins in with despair

Lances' eyebrows furrow together as he's obviously annoyed by all the yelling around him.

"Would you guys just shut up" he mutters

Once the others quiet down for a moment all they could hear was the movements of you squeezing him harder and harder while talking random subjects babbling on and on...


"I miss you so much"



"I've been so lonely without you"



"I'm so glad we both attend classes here!"



"I just wish we were in the same house"



Mash pulls away from your embrace momentarily so he could finally catch his breath

"Hmm? Who are these people Mashu? Are these your..... friends?!" Your eyes sparkle when your eyebrows raise expressively towards them.

"I'm more than his friend, I'm going to be his future wife!" Lemon interjects proudly pointing her thumb at herself

"What" Mash responds monotonously

"WHAT!!!?!?" You shriek and Mash face palms

"Now you've gone and done it..."

"You never told me you had a fiancé, brother?!?" You pout excessively. You grab him by the shoulders and shake him frantically


"BROTHER" they all shout in unisom. Their jaws drop to the floor

You walk along the line they stood in and with one finger began pushing their mouthes closed

"Uh huh! I'm his big sister, f/n Burnedead, sixth fang of the Magia Lupus." You hold your head high with both hands on your waist. After the introductions from the others you quickly turned your attention back to Mash.

"Mashuuuu!! You never told me you met someone!!! She's so cutee omg!! I've missed you so much..."

Your voice drowns out to the others as they tried to piece together this new information

The past few weeks Mash has never mentioned having an older sibling especially one in a rival dorm.

"She so pretty.." Dot drools excessively

Lemon was off in her own head as well after hearing you compliment her

But Lance was stuck in a trance watching you interact with mushroom head. It was very apparent immediately that you love him very much but Lance wanted to push the case even further when Mash interrupted his train of thought, whilst he caught him staring at the back of your head.

"Now you see why I wasn't too put off by your sister con....plex."

"And so then afterwards, I- huh..." you stop rambling for a second turning towards Lance

"Do you have a younger sibling too?" You asks him softly

"Yeah I do.." he reaches for the locket opening it exposing the ray of sunshine he kept on him at all times

"She so adorableeeee!!! Ugh my heart!!!" You clutch your chest theatrically
"Im sure she's a sweet person just like you, and I can tell you'll do anything for her. You must always keep her safe and close to your heart" you tell him very wholeheartedly and it almost drove Lance to tears when you turn back your attention on Mash.

You eventually grabbed both of his shoulders again and started shaking him aggressively for his attention while his face continued to be plain and dissociative.

"Are you even listening to me? I did this and that"

"I can't believe he's never mentioned her before" Finn says to Lance quietly thinking she couldn't hear them

"Oh are you ashamed of me Mashu?! Shame on you and to think I made you cream puffs, hmph" you huff out while pouting pulling the stack of delicious treats from your bag and Mash instantly has hearts in his eyes as he takes the creamy pastry goodness shoving one in his mouth immediately

"Oh are you ashamed of me Mashu?! Shame on you and to think I made you cream puffs, hmph" you huff out while pouting pulling the stack of delicious treats from your bag and Mash instantly has hearts in his eyes as he takes the creamy pastry goodne...

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*Intensified chewing sounds.*

Your watch vibrates alerting you to head towards the meeting area

"Oh shoot! I have to go! It was good meeting you all I'll catch you later" you hand the rest of the cream puffs to Finn and disappear into the crowd of students without a trace

A/n✨ next chapter is where I will start including some more compulsive, obsessive, worshipping characteristics from Abyss and what he does when you're not around. It gets very lemon-y.

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