7. No pain, no gain

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"You don't have to leave so soon

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"You don't have to leave so soon.. you can stay here.. longer I mean if you want." Rayne says while watching you gather your clothes lazily stacking them onto your arm.

He wanted to say 'you should at least get dressed appropriately before prancing around the school like that.' But instead just gave you his infamous side eye that was very sharp almost stabbing into the back of your head.

"No I have something's to do today... besides I don't want anyone to get ideas if someone catches me sneaking out of your dorm so early in the day" you snort softly with the chuckle that left your lips.

"Is it wrong for people to think of anything going on between us..."

"I recall when we first met outside of the academy what was it you said? Something along the lines of 'don't let this spread around... yet'" you mock him in a very monotone manner just like he talks.

He only stares back at you as if he had more to say but you never gave him the opportunity too. You turn to reach for the door handle and pause

"By the way, Rayne... Maybe you shouldn't be so hard on your little brother. I'm sure he's trying his best having such a high bar to reach with you an all, he could use a little support from you every now and then.... I know i don't know everything that happened between you two, or could ever understand what you went through. But I guess even with Mash the way that he is.... I know a lot are going to doubt him, and that already makes his life hard enough as it is.. It's nice to have at least one person on your team, it makes all the difference and I.... I want to support Mash no matter what, all I'm saying is that you should do the same, or at least try it sometime"

You turn back towards him with a small smile across your lips and then quickly ran out the door before he could retort with some sassy, cold comeback.

On your way back to your room you took a detour into the library after catching a glimpse of someone leaned over across a desk

As you got closer to the figure you recognized the the spiked rich, burgundy shaded hair.

"Carpaccio... pac... is that you?" You tap on his shoulder lightly careful not to startle him

"Hm.. huh.. wha..." he raises his head and looks around confused

"Oh.. I fell asleep here again.." he sighs pressing his head back to the desk table

"What were you doing down here anyways?" You make glances at the books he's been reading. He seems to be doing some research on the history of the master canes.

He doesn't answer your question right away only looking you over thoroughly after realizing it was you he was talking to

"[Name,] What are you doing creeping around the halls this early in the morning?" He questions while checking the watch around his wrist

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