A/n pls read its about your magic!!

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✨ I never told you about your magic because I was still deciding on it, but your magic is called Oculus.

Through hand contact you can see AND feel someone's past, feelings and emotions you can also predict multiple outcomes for their future. You don't need to recite a spell for this one, your body just does it. So you are naturally very weary about someone touching you. You are always wearing gloves to prevent activating this.

Oculus Enhaced~ enables you to see residuals a person can leave behind like heat signatures, footprints, bodily fluids, and see the flow of energy and life force in another person

Oculus Hypnotism~ Using black magic once you make eye contact with your opponent you can change everything they visualize, you can suggest thoughts and actions to them as well. Coercing those to act in a particular way without them being aware. Using this spell in school is strictly forbidden and liable for expulsion so only a small handful of people are aware that you can do that.

Oculus Secondth Pain~ after gathering years of aggressive energy, pain, anguish and abuse from others that you've felt in your life; almost like a bullet you can shoot it directly into your victims brain. They can't escape this once they lock eyes with you. Disregarding all 5 senses all they feel is immense, spine crippling, bone shattering, complete utter destruction of their body. The pain is so overwhelming that your opponent will fall to their knees and curl into a fetal position within a matter of seconds.

Immeasurable strength and endurance~ growing up in the same household as Mash brought you to be a very tough young woman. Strong enough to handle your own battles with your fist alone, but once you got accepted into Easton academy you became under the influence that men like women they can protect. Some sort of damsel in distress syndrome, you attempt to hide your true strength and remain more poised in hopes of getting a husband one day.

I did a sketch of your uniform for Easton academy along with how I imagine your magic mark will look like, I can NOT draw well so don't be mean lol

I did a sketch of your uniform for Easton academy along with how I imagine your magic mark will look like, I can NOT draw well so don't be mean lol

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