A/n✨ new oc fanart✨ updates on story✨

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Hello my fellow delulu queens ❤️

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Hello my fellow delulu queens ❤️

So firstly; I had my one week post op yesterday and my doctor has cleared me to drive and do more arm movements! So yay to that, updates will probably resume within the next week or so

Next thing is another beautiful fan art submitted by Satoruskittykat
Thank you so much it literally makes my day when you send me fan art.
Lastly as a friendly reminder, I am accepting fan art for this book, I only ask that the art is Mashle related content!

His name is Wynter and some things about him are below I even added a little something special at the end.

Wynter is a third year student at Walkis magic academy, he is an orphan and has no real ties emotionally to anyone except another orphaned girl whom he hasn't even seen in over a decade

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Wynter is a third year student at Walkis magic academy, he is an orphan and has no real ties emotionally to anyone except another orphaned girl whom he hasn't even seen in over a decade.

He lost his eye as a child in a nasty fight between himself and some adults protecting his first love from an aggravated attack. (The orphan mentioned earlier)

Wynter is capable of slowing his heart down and shallowing his breathing enabling others to believe he's dead when he's just sleeping

He has dark, soulless eyes. Never showing concern or even glisten with a hint of interest when something is slightly entertaining.

He's extremely pale all year long.

Wynter is not above nearly killing someone to finish the job, he has a very dark undertone personality. At a young age he was noticed by Orter Mádl, who recognizes his cold blooded, relentless demeanor.

Orter sees him more as a younger sibling because he used to punish him off the record when Wynter committed any crimes etc

Personal magic: affiliated with ice

Blood type: A

Dominant hand: right

Good subject: magic physics

Bad subject: magic history

Hobbies: sampling different ice density and perfecting the temperature of drinks therefore elevating the taste, with the amount and size of ice to add in. He is an excellent host for company, but it is quite difficult for anyone to make it that close with him.

Favorite food: macarons

Favorite words: "sure.. why not? I'm not above manual labor after all."

Favorite type of the opposite sex: someone who can put up with my sarcastic unhinged behavior

Dislikes: weak men, cry babies, anyone who fails to protect their family/loved ones.

Frequently visited school spots: the kitchen (freezer to be exact) and lounge area

E.g. of spending money: thermal clothings and long John's. He always dresses in multiple layers because his body temperature stays really cold, so cold that his magic mark turned blue

I want to give him a little Lore because we will be visiting the Walkis Academy (unwilling) soon so please enjoy this smol one shot.

"What are you dick bags doing?" Wynter walks into his dorm room where his roommate Domina has company over, filling up any vacant space in the small boardroom.

"Oh Wynter... come join us." Domina says calmly signaling towards the tall, pale figure leaning on the door.

Wynter scoffs lightly and moves his legs skillfully across the floor careful not to touch any of the scattered tools, zip ties, tape and ropes. As he got closer to the circle he saw another person who he didn't recognize amongst the normal gang and it actually surprises him.

The girl passed out, her hands bound together along with her feet. She was curled into a fetal position, her head gently resting on a pillow, the rest of her body laid atop a makeshift futon. He couldn't tell if she was asleep by will or was forced too.

"Who's the girl?" He asks while his eyes began trailing up her legs into the curve of her hips and the dip of her thighs folding close into her abdomen until his eyes pause at a medium sized, recognizable ice burn on the back of her neck.

Wynter is instantly frozen, his breathing laboring as he is triggered by a past memory that seems so fresh now. It was the reopening of a wound that he was sure is closed

"Dunno.. she's the sister of the mushroom head kid at Easton and I'll do anything to make sure we have an advantage over them." Lévis answers his one eyed comrade with a snicker in his tone

Wynters eyes began to water ever so slightly his irises glazed over in liquid and they enlarged as his body began to tremble. He still hasn't even made his way to her face. He knew exactly who the girl was just from that scar alone.

"N-name..." he lets her name slip through his lips barely above a whisper

"Hmm?" Lévis, Kenny, Charles and Galuf both turn their neck towards him in question

"U-uh I-it's nothing" Wynter brushes them off without looking their way

Domina remains silent, but he heard Wynter say your name and wonders what type of person you truly are to have ever got involved with someone as cold as Wynter.

No matter you will soon be fathers.

"What are you doing with her?" He inquires careful not to raise any suspicion but he's sure his voice hitched with the word her

"Oh nothing of harm, we're just using her as collateral. She's of great importance to a few of the divine visionary as well, so we don't want to stir something up between them."

✨ Okay BUT HEAR ME OUT..... Lévis as a love interest....?

Does anyone play hsr? I don't, but boothill made me forgot any morality I've ever had as a woman, and as someone who works in a dental profession I should not be attracted to sharp teeth like this 😫

✨Also thank you for 10k!!! I dk what to give y'all so I'll just update soon, take care 💕

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