5. When it *Raynes' it pours

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You sat next to the window in class staring out at the clouds daydreaming about magic, boys, accessories and other teenage girl things

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You sat next to the window in class staring out at the clouds daydreaming about magic, boys, accessories and other teenage girl things.

At the end of the day you have independent study and chores. Since you were originally housed in the Adler dorm your first year you were tasked as the prefects assistant.

So even after you changed houses, you still enjoyed being Rayne assistant so much because of the adorable rabbits you decided to keep the job. Especially after Rayne became the sword cane of the divine visionaries, he was constantly gone away on missions and doing other things, he needed the help.

You walked into the bunny habitat only to hear the voice of someone talking. It almost frightened you until you realized it could only be one person

I thought he was still away on a business trip

"Welcome ba-..." your voice drowns out as you see a tall man you don't recognize. He was wearing a hooded cloak covering his body and face, leaned over petting the rabbits talking to them as if he became familiar with the furry creatures.

His cloak didn't have an insignia so he wasn't a student... the hairs on the back of your neck began to rise and with your psychic energy you could feel something bad was going to happen if you stayed here with him long...

"This area is off limits to students.." your tone sharpens

"Oh? Then why are you here?"

"Because I'm the caretaker.."

"No I believe that divine visionary is the caretaker here, so that must make you.... his assistant?"

"Who are you?" You squint trying to see the face behind the shadow of the hood

"My name is not important so you don't need to worry your cute little head over it.."

"Huh! Cute?! Hey this is no time to flirt!" You brush off his compliment puffing out your cheeks- your nose scrunches in a very cute yet annoyed manner

You blinked and suddenly he was gone.

"Huh wha?!?" You look around confused. It was like he disappeared into thin air. You searched the whole habitat for him and found no traces of anyone else being there.

Still feeling strange about the whole situation you used your personal magic to track his footsteps.

"Oculus enhance~" you wave your fan once in front of you and saw the pattern he walked in. He walked directly in front of you and then circled around your body to leave.

When could he have time to do that?! He literally disappeared right before my very eyes..unless

You thought about reporting this to a faculty member or the headmaster and decided not too.

Maybe Rayne will have the answers I seek.

Later than night you woke up with a hankering for something sweet and went down to the kitchen, when you began to make something to eat you thought about cream puffs and how much Mash enjoyed a late night treat as much as you do.

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