13. Eye Contact

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 On your way back towards the arena you ran into someone; literally bumping into him

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On your way back towards the arena you ran into someone; literally bumping into him. The student drops all of the paperwork he was carrying and it was quite a lot.

Something felt off because why is a student moseying around the hallway with all this paperwork?

"Apologies.. I wasn't paying attention" he spoke as he leaned over in front of you collecting his things. You also kneeled down to help him because you didn't see his face but what is he even doing out here? Everyone should be at the stadium watching the selection exam..

"Oh no I should be apologizing I really wasn't watching where I was going, there's just so much going on and I-" you stop rambling mid rant for a second and look over to the stranger who was staring at you and you felt it his gaze; it reminded you of someone.

He had such soft and beautiful features but his eyes... they are sickened with so much agony and torment you're immediately triggered into a psychosis state and couldn't even bear to finish your sentence.

Behind the fake smile he displayed across his lips, you only felt misery dripping into the atmosphere around him. His eyes widened a bit as if he was surprised to see you before he turned back focusing on gathering his documents.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" You poke curiously

He lets out a small nervous laugh

"Of course you do... we attend the same school. I assume we've passed in crossing"

"Hmm, no.. I don't recognize your marking.." his lines consist of two arrows curving together almost like waves crashing into one another, but what really stood out to you was his pink shoulder length hair.

Surely you'd remember if a student with that type of hair attended this academy, at least once..

"... and your uniform seems a little displaced almost like you've been in a previous scuffle and those shoes... they're not the official assigned footwear by Easton academy.." you're in full interrogation mode now your nerves heightened and that strange feeling you felt the other day in the bunny habitat stricken you with grief.

"Hehe" he chuckles darkly before continuing

"Father says you're quite clever..."

"Father?" You tilt your head

"I am being sincere when I say that I apologize for what's next..." he continues

"Sorry for wha-?..."

Suddenly you hear footsteps approaching you quickly from the rear and before you could see who it was you felt a small prick into the backside of your neck.

With a face of horror the stranger in front of you seemed relieved... almost like he saw this coming.

So... this was your plan.

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