2. Honey I'm home

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As the afternoon went on you stayed on the balcony and continued to watch the potential first years do their exam

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As the afternoon went on you stayed on the balcony and continued to watch the potential first years do their exam.

Sitting there with your legs crossed sipping on some tea you hear the sound of footsteps approaching

Sensing the immense pressure and aura of a divine visionary your lips crept into a smile knowing who it was before he even spoke.

"I certainly hope that honey I sent you is working to your hearts desire for that sweet tooth you and I both know that you have..."

"Mmm Kaldo.. the only thing that will fix that craving is something I cannot have..." you turn and politely curtsy causing him to stumble over his own legs when facing him.

"To what do I owe pleasure of seeing you without a call or any notice?"

"You're very interesting f/n, I always like to check in on all my future prospects with high magical talent"

"Oh..? Is it all of them then, So what you're saying is I'm not that special after all..." Your voice softens as you began to pout turning your head to the side acting as if he treated you like the others

He quickly closed the gap between you and him almost startling those who are around. They are already quite alarmed to see a divine visionary carelessly strolling through the halls of Easton academy

But one so personal with a student is rare.

"You've misheard me my little bee, your honey will always be the sweetest in the hive, but I've still got to wait until it matures..." his hand reaches for your chin turning your face back towards him.

There where he could bear witness to the flustered look in your eyes as you shyly smile.

"I could get lost in those eyes forever...how about a little game to satisfy my hunger, little bee..."

You looked around and out in the open space you felt you had the advantage and eagerly accepted his offer not knowing he had some cheap tricks up his sleeve.

Other students gather around curious to watch the champion of 'you look, you lose' front row. Usually they would need to gather around a stadium and watch from a distance but this small crowd knew they would be in for a treat.

With his technique at a flick of his finger he engraved a star around your feet

"Try not to cheat this time" his smile accompanies a deep chuckle


"Ready? You look... you lose." He points down and your eyes averted up when suddenly the heat from his magic hit you in the face like the scorching sun was falling from the sky directly at you

"Three.... Two....." you moved your body back bending your knees leveling yourself horizontally.

"One...." his counting slows down

Internally panics


Folding your body like an accordion you barely managed to escape leaving your face unscathed

"Ah still as flexible as ever... you look, you lose"
He points his finger directly at himself and then past you. So you turn your body to the side not facing him as you felt the heat of his magic develop to the empty side of you now and he stepped closer stopping you from moving.

His magic kept getting closer to you, pushing you into him his abdomen pressed to the side of your arm now


You panicked; being sandwiched between him and his magic forcing you to turn towards him now.

With your lips pursed together and your arms crossed your eyes glare up to his towering figure.

"You lose" he says while making that shameful mocking tsk tsk.

The small crowd that surrounded you both gave an applause for the small performance before they began to disperse.

"I did NOT cheat last time... I clumsily fell out of the star" you remind him

"Call it what you want, but playing this game with you gets more and more entertaining every time"

"I think I did better this time actually.. what about you?"

"Well sure and you'll only keep getting better over time with my guidance..." he pauses brushing the strand of hair that got loose during the tussle back behind your ear.

"Hey, Kaldo... I-I was thinking.... Uhm maybe we should..." you pause catching your breath your legs anxiously move back and forth. Kaldo was standing extremely close you now, your face was only inches from his chest as his neck turned down towards you when you said his name

I can just reach his chin... if I just stand on my tippy toes....

"Well? What is it you were thinking?" He continues after a moment of you being silent

"We should... make a charcuterie board... together.... of things that complement honey... together..."

His grin only widens before he can respond

"You know you've said the specific term together multiple times, I'm not sure if you're trying to tell me something but I'll accept your proposal"

"Hmph proposal?!?" You flush mentally squealing and clutching your hands together

"Don't say it like that" you continued shaking your shoulders simultaneously as if you're trying to shake off his words.

"And how else do you wish for me to say it to you?"

Despite the heated moment, the old clock rang as another hour passed and you remembered you're supposed to be watching Mash take his exam.

SHOOT you mentally snap

If I wasn't so boy crazy I wouldn't get distracted all the time!

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