14. Pillow talk [III]

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► ▌▌ ■  0:00 ───|────── 0:00This chapter was inspired by:Cinnamon girl by Lana del Rey Garden by Sza

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This chapter was inspired by:
Cinnamon girl by Lana del Rey
Garden by Sza

warning, this chapter contains MATURE adult content, dni if you're underage you WILL be blocked. I'm sick of my work being pulled because of some immature brat reporting my books. So skip this chapter if you're not interested in any lemons, please and thank you. Happy reading!

By the end of the attack of innocent zero the next day rolled around as things began to die down, questions began emerging as to the whereabouts of [name]

(Mash left you drugged up and unconscious in the basement of the school)

It was Abyss who made the first effort in finding you though, your absence causing him concern.

So Abyss makes a friendly visit by Mash dorm

"Oh it's you... is there something you need?"

"Yes I'm actually concerned about the whereabouts of your sister, she hasn't returned anyone's calls or attended a meeting.. I'm a bit worried about her"

Mash's eyes widened and he stares off into the distant.

"Did you really leave your sister locked and stranded in the basement?" Lance turns towards Mash utterly shocked and concerned over hearing their conversation.

Abyss turns his head lifting his brows also quite astonished

"I'm sorry.." mash lowers his head

"Don't apologize to us!!! Go get her!" Lance and Abyss shout at the same time.

Luckily for you the effects of the drugs was still in your system so you didn't notice your brother had abandoned you in the basement.

While he's carrying you back towards your room Abyss  interferes and decided to take matters into his own hands, literally.

"I'll take her from here" he catches Mash by surprise, swiftly using magic to absorb you into a cozy genie bottle promptly stealing you from his arms.

Abyss slowly and carefully carried the small glass bottle to your room where he set it on the bed releasing you. Your body materializes right in front of him. Looking back towards your face his hands move gently pushing away any stray hair back behind your ear and brushed his fingertips along your jawline admiring your soft features.

He opened his lips as if he wanted to say something but still couldn't find the words too.

I love you. He thought

I love you. I love you.

"I... love you...[name] he whispers so softly that even he couldn't hear his own voice.

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