16. D A D D Y B O Y

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"Your hands there so warm

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"Your hands there so warm.."

Domina accepts Mash's peace offering. Wanting nothing more than to feel the love of others.

"I'm truly sorry for hurting [Name].... I hope she can forgive me.."

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Mash replies stepping to the side exposing your figure and Domina bows down almost groveling on his hands and knees  in front of you, apologizing he sounds like he's on the verge of tears

"Please raise your head" you respond softly

Slowly he raises his body back onto his knees looking up towards you. Domina was expecting you to spew hateful comments and slurs, but to his surprise you do the exact opposite.

Taking a step closer you kneel down in front of him with open arms bringing him into your warm embrace.

"I forgive you.." you tell him softly and hear his breath get caught in his throat.

She's so warm as well...so soft.. is this the outcome of growing up where you're loved?
Her arms wrapped around me makes me feel nice..
i feel safe... i feel... loved

Unsure of this new affection he's receiving he slowly brought his arms up and around your back in return and you only squeeze him tighter.

"I know it hasn't been easy but you did good.. I'm so proud of you" you smiled

Having never seen real love in his entire life but in your arms his heart flutters and his cheek paint a light colored pink as he smiles to himself

This must be why mash is so strong, he has the love and support of others..

"Mash I-" Domina pauses feeling the presence of someone overwhelming approaching.

All of your heads turn towards Innocent zero as he enters the room

"Father I'm so sorry... all I do is let you down"  Domina cries


Look at you all roughed up for my sake, you really tried your best" Innocent Zero spoke softly catching everyone by surprise including Domina


"Rest easy now" his tone darkens

"I have no shortage of replacements for you...
You are no longer of use to me" Innocent responds in a harsh, condescending manner striking all of your hearts

Domina's eyes widened in despair, shocked at the words that came out his lips.

I've only met Domina a small handful of times, and he's kidnapped me upon each crossing but... right then I knew that I couldn't let anything happen to him

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