6. Pillow Talk [I]

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► ▌▌ ■  0:00 ───|────── 0:00This chapter was inspired by: Play date by Melanie Martinez Pillow talk by Zayn

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▌▌ ■ 0:00 ───|────── 0:00
This chapter was inspired by:
Play date by Melanie Martinez
Pillow talk by Zayn

You went up to Raynes room as requested and let yourself in. You dug through his fridge to find a snack that wasn't expired and grabbed his pet rabbit on your way to his bed.
Stripping down into your nightwear; an undershirt and a pair of very suspicious looking shorts, you click his tv on and get comfortable soon falling asleep.

Later in the middle of the night your body jolted up after hearing the small squeak of a door opening and shutting. Almost in a panic state waking up partially confused not remembering the night before, your eyes settled on Rayne and you quickly felt at ease.

"Are you alright?" He looks at you lying so cozily between his bedsheets.

He stood there briefly in a darker corner of his room only the light from the television occasionally flashing his prominent stoic features.

"Mhmm" you yawn while scooting closer to the edge of the bed you rub your eyes to get a better look at him. Before you could even ask, it was as if he was reading your mind

"He's fine, and he can take care of himself. You do know this right?" He grabs the chair in front of his desk and sits directly next to the foot of the bed keeping his eyes on you

"Yes... and no, it's just that he-"

"Lacks magic?" He interrupts and you stare at him mildly dumbfounded. How was he this good at reading you?

His features lack emotion so it always feels cold to you, you turn away from him slightly embarrassed avoiding his gaze.

If I don't answer him then I'm not technically lying.

"It's ok, I know.... but in the short amount of time that we met, he's proven himself to be trustworthy like you. I can see your purest intentions. Which leads me to my next topic" He sighs expressively loud before begrudgingly continuing

"When are you going to leave that house, [Name.]"

His tone changes and you look towards his face again to find him leaning forward now, his elbows resting on his thighs while he held his hands together.

Why am I being interrogated now?

He looked back up towards you with his striking molten yellow eyes

That look...

He could make anyone do what he wants

"Leave..." you nervously chuckle trying to dismiss the passive aggressive atmosphere in the room.

"What are you talking about.... Why would I leave the house of Lang? It's a sweet deal, i got my own room, more funding, accommodation and access to many other resources this school offers.."

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