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I got a small bag ready, which consisted of a flashlight, pepper spray, money, a pocket knife, and a compass. I changed into comfortable clothes and once it had reached 12:30 am, I was going to go. I don't think I had actually planned it out, considering how high my room was from the ground so I decided to take the most dangerous route by leaving my room and going to the kitchens. The kitchens have a secret door that leads out the palace without having to use the large creaking doors at the front. I was cautious of every step I took until I finally made it out of the palace.

I wasn't sure why I was even doing this in the first place but somehow I made it to the border wall between Everglen and Havenfield. The wall was very tall. I kind of wanted to see if I could pass it and try to see Everglen's kingdom but unfortunately not. I looked around my surroundings making sure I wasn't being followed by anyone.

"Hello there." A voice said from above. I turned around and found someone on top of the wall. I shrieked.

"Why don't you scream louder for the guards to hear you?" He asked sarcastically. I roll my eyes, stepping away from the wall.

"Well you kind of appeared out of nowhere." He shrugged. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Enjoying the view." He dropped down the tall wall somehow, not breaking his ankles.

He stood up and shook off some dirt. He held out his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Fitz." I shook it for a second before pulling it back.

"Sophie. Are you from Everglen?" He nodded his head. "Then I'm afraid I'm not allowed to talk to you."

"Neither am I but I'm still doing it."

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Everglen?" He nodded his head.

"Yeah but I really don't give a crap about this dumb feud our kingdoms have going on. So I don't really care." He answered.

"You never get caught?" He shook his head.

"Nope. I've been doing this for a while now."

"How do you get over the wall?" I asked him.

"I just climb it." I roll my eyes at his answer. He shone in the moonlight, his gorgeous teal eyes shone bright, he was tall with a very good body, you could practically see his muscles through his shirt. His hair was a chocolate brown color which looked silky soft and his smile was so cute. It was practically a movie star's smile.

"So what do you do when you're in Havenfield?" I asked.

"I like to walk around and explore the village since I can't in the daytime. It's a shame too, it must be really pretty during the day. Although it is quite nice at night, I'm not the biggest fan of large crowds, so it's quite calming." He answered, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I've never really gone at night, but it sure does sound delightful. Your parents sound quite strict." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well having the king and queen of a big kingdom can be quite strict sometimes." My eyes widened. He was the prince? Well with his looks he certainly does look like a prince. "How about you?"

"Princess." His eyes widened.

"You're the princess?" I nodded my head, "Oh, I've never heard of you. My apologies princess." When he bowed, I could immediately feel my cheeks start to warm up.

"T-that's not needed." He stood up again.

"So what will we be doing today?" He asked.

"We will not be doing anything. Our parents would not like us interacting with each other right now and I don't think we should go behind their backs."

"But what they don't know won't hurt them. Okay so we're talking? It's not the end of the world. So it really doesn't matter, unless you're just boring."

"I'm not boring! Fine then what do you want to do today?" He smirked when he saw I gave in.

"Walk around Havenfield, it's been a couple days since I have."

"Fine then let's go." We started to walk to the village, talking on the way. Just as Fitz had said, it was nice to be alone at night with no other crowds filling the village. As it turns out Fitz is kind of like me. He loves to read books, the same genres as me even, he said he feels the pressure of being the next heir, and he also finds the silly feud between our kingdoms stupid.

I wasn't sure why but every time he spoke or our hands accidentally touched while we were walking, I was always blushing, and I could practically feel my heart pounding when he spoke.

And I enjoyed talking with him, and we had a lot of stuff in common. I don't care if he was from Everglen, we had already decided to meet again tomorrow.


Hey guys! Welcome to the second chapter already, and thank you for 20 reads?! I know it's not much, but I'll take whatever. Comment how the new story is, and I'll update tomorrow! Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting! I'll see you in the next chapter! Byeeee!

Two Forbidden Sides (Sophitz)Where stories live. Discover now