The beginning of a bad ending

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I don't have much to say so just jump right in the chapter. Hope you enjoy it by the way!!

(About 2am)

Aldric's Pov

"Warriors, I want the men to come with me and as for the women warriors, you are to defend this post in case the enemy manages to pass through us, got it!" I shouted my order for all to hear.

 All nodded and began to prepare themselves for what's to come.

 "As for those who can't fight, please head for the safe house, take what's necessary and leave immediately," the rest of the members began to head to the safe house about 4 miles far north from here. 

'Leo, Leo come in, where the fuck are you!' He still didn't respond in the mind link.

 I haven't seen Leo at all yesterday and I was getting really getting worried, nor did Matt know where he went. After a few minutes trying to reach little thorn in the mind link, Matt jogged my way a little breathless. 

"Anything?" He shook his head no, we've been searching for him for a while and nothing so far, it's as if he did not want be found, not leaving a trace at all. 

"His parents arrived not long ago and they are upset about their son's safety, I don't know what to do at this point," he replied back shaking his head in frustration. 

'Thorin, Martha, please head for the pack safe house,' I mind linked Leo's parents. After some waiting Martha replied back,

'Where is my son? I am not leaving without seeing him!' She replied back as if about to cry.

'Now!,' I didn't have time for this so to solidify my command I used my alpha voice and that did the trick, at least they would be safe until I find Leo. Just where is he! 

Not long ago, one of the skilled warriors in the pack noticed about 500 or more wolves heading our way and a few more supernatural creatures or hunters with them. Even if they are passing through our territory, they should have informed us and we couldn't risk it, in case of a battle taking place, we had to be ready.

My father, his beta, delta, Matthew (my soon to be beta), Sofia (soon to be delta), male warriors and myself aligned ourselves at our respective stations and waited.

Not long, a dozen fire arrows struck everywhere and coming from nowhere at that.

"Warriors, it's time, shift, defend the pack!!" Sofia shouted towards the warriors, her father, the current delta's eyes shone with pride for his daughter.

 Everyone started shifting and charged. Now the battle that may decide the fate of the pack had begun. Today wasn't a good day for any of us to die cause this was supposed to be mine and Leo's birthday, the day I was to meet my mate and the day Leo was a year away from his.

Leo's Pov

'Wake up, wake up...Wake up Leo!!!,' I shot straight up. I was a little dazed. 

I was in some kind of dark cave, sleeping in water at that. "He...hello," I was so exhausted, lying on the  wet ground was far much better. As much as I wanted to stay here and recover, I knew I had to leave, so I got up and thanks to werewolf vision I could see much better than most.

About maybe 5 minutes in, all memories of what happened came back to me. Those two men, they had their way with me and being in heat did not help at all. I was so driven by lust and they took advantage of that. 

I tried to resist them but the burning feeling in body became almost unbearable, I really tried but I couldn't stop them. I don't remember much about their faces but one thing I can never forget is their piercing red eyes that showed no emotion and a little of their scent which may have been hidden by some sought of magic. At this time, there's no point sulking, I had to get out of here and fast. I was filled with a little determination to get out of this place and there was my way out.

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