New pack

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Leo's POV

It has been probably a week since I arrived to Cody's and Jack's. Those two have been away for quite a while dealing with pack business or whatever, so, Matt was left to babysit me. I mean, what the heck! Do they think I am going to run away or something? Anyway, Matt being in the same living space as I was super awkward. I really wanted to bring up the incident that occurred all those years ago, but I am a little anxious.

It was in the afternoon right now, me lazing around watching TV while Matt took care of me. It was practically our routine in this huge ass house almost every day. Not that I don't mind but, why a house this big. There are only two people living here, well three now that I'm here, temporarily. 

"Here" Matt said. He sat on the opposite side, watching me eat. Not weird.

 "Minutes later"

"The chicken parm sandwich was yummy, thank you"

He gave me a gentle smile and took the plate from me. Matt placed the empty plate in the kitchen sink and stood in front of me.

"Let's go out, you've been cramped up in here for too long, no?" I gave him a nod and went up to my room to get ready.

"More minutes later"

Once I was ready, we made our way to Matt's car. To avoid the awkwardness on the road, I looked outside the window and took in my surroundings. Everything was so different here, guess it is supposed to be like that as we are in another country. From the new scents in the air to the passing scenery, all of it appealed to me.

"*sigh* I know you have something you want to say" Matt suddenly spoke, eyes still on the road.

I turned to look at him,

"I-do you... Do you know who I am?" I asked hesitantly. 

He nodded, still facing the road.

"So you know what happened five years?" I asked.

"I do, but as for answers, I'm in no place to give what you want to know. If you want answers, ask the alphas" He spoke with so much formality.

After that, we returned to the quiet bubble we were in.

"Minutes later"

"Here we are" Matt spoke.

We had finally reached a decently large town. This is seriously the pack my mates are leading, it's huge. Looking through the window, there were a lot of people moving about and some playing with children, it was very lively. Seeing these people enjoying themselves made me happy for some reason.

Matt got out of the car and made his way to my side. He smiled and opened the door for me and  said,

"How about a tour of the pack?"

My eyes bulged, I shook my head no. He rolled his eyes, then practically yanked me out of the car, causing me to scream. That seemed to catch people's attention, as they stopped whatever they were doing to just stare. Matt stifled his laugh, then pulled me by the hand into the crowd.

Quiet whispers erupted from the people, mostly curious to whom I was. I slightly clung to Matt, he did the same too as if to comfort me.

We spent about two hours and a half exploring the pack and gosh was it stunning! Everything was amazing. I actually enjoyed my time with Matt.

At the moment, we decided to take a break at a nearby restaurant. The other reason we are here was to meet up with my mates. The minutes I spent in the restaurant with Matt were incredible, I was laughing and talked to him like we have been friends since, since forever. I loved that. 

A pair of big hands lifted me from my chair and into an embrace. I stiffened a little but soon excepted the hug. Spending a week with these three made me doubt if actually they had the heart to destroy my pack without a reason, and because of this feeling of uncertainty, little by little I kept opening up to them.

"Hi" I greeted first.

"Hi, love, how was your day?" Jack asked.

"It was amazing. I've never seen a pack this huge before" I answered.

"Anyway, how about we had to the pack kinder garden as our final stop for the day?"  Cody asked.

Giving them a nod, we sat off to the kinder garden. Matt was allowed to go wherever as he left his duties to spend time with me.

"20 minutes later"

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When we made to the place, just before entering you could hear the loud laughter of children just beyond the entrance of the place. I instantly smiled. Both mates held onto one of my hands, then we entered the kinder garden. After making it through the door, a cute girl sat nearby the desk with a smile on her face, reading a book. Her eyes travelled up toward us. Upon noticing us she got off her desk and made her to us, well, made her way to the alphas of the pack. Her smile grew even more, showing her dimple.

"Hello alphas, how are you?" She bowed to them both.

"There's no need to be formal with us Lisa, you are a friend after all" Cody patted her shoulder with his free hand.

She fixated her gaze to the hands that held my own, then her eyes met mine.

"And who's this cutie?"

"This Leo, your Luna" Jack answered. 

My mouth hung open, why would they give such a tile, I am a stranger to the pack. Lisa's eyes widened in surprised, then reached out to hug me.

"Oh gosh! It is wonderful to finally meet you. Wow, you are so cute!" She practically started complementing me, making me blush. Then something hit me,

"Wait, what?" I asked. What does she mean, it is wonderful to 'finally' meet me?

"Oh, they have..." 

"Get back here, you little monster!" a voice of another girl yelled.

Before I could comprehend, I started walking toward the voice. With help from my nose, I made my through the rooms of this place. The scent was attractive, kind of like jasmine.

"Um, hi there" 

The girl turned with a little boy in her arms. Her features were astonishing, like her rosy smooth skin, to her thick white colored hair and finally her face, gosh she was a beauty. I couldn't take my eyes off her, not for the reason you are thinking, but because there is something familiar about her, in a way though.

"What's up Aurora, looking fine as always" Cody commented.

Both Aurora and I focused on nothing but each other. Just who is she?

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