A great day

17 1 0

Hi everyone, believe it or not, this story just came to my mind. So I didn't plan that much on it, but I feel it's going to be good, so bear with me. This is where the story begins with our little Leo.

Leo's POV

I landed an uppercut on Aldric, my future alpha and best friend. Just so you are not lost, it's training.  

"Nice one Leo, I think I'm going to feel that for quite some time," His response made me give a toothy grin.

He then transformed into his wolf, then used his mind link to tell me to change too,

'How about we take it up a notch,' he said through the mind link and without a single notice, the hulking wolf giant tried to tackle me once I managed to transform into my wolf form.

I used my smaller but larger than normal body (for an omega) to side step the alpha and clamped my teeth on his ear. His wolf let out a yelp of pain, which led to him using his large body to trap me under him. I thrashed and clawed at him, but it was no use, the fact that he knew that it was useless made me madder, but in the end I ended up quitting by giving a soft tap to his side.

We both transformed back and got in a couple of extra sweaters we brought along

. "I really hate it when you do that, Aldric, I thought you said you were going to stop", I gave him the stink eye. He just lifted his hands as a form of surrender and just laughed. 

"Let's go back to the pack house little one, it's getting late, how about a race and whoever gets there first does the other a favor, how about it?" he asked me. 

I just kept walking until I was about a meter ahead of him, then I made a break for it.

 "Hey that's cheating!!" he shouted at the back, I didn't look back.

"Ten minutes later"

"And Leo takes the win, woo!!!" I shouted once I made it to the pack house door.

 After I settled down, it's when I realized that Aldric wasn't appearing from the thick foliage. 

"Aldric where are yo...ah!!". Before I knew it, the person I've been calling for tapped on my shoulder, that big butt nugget just made me see white for a sec. 

"What the heck was that for, and how did you do that?" I asked him while clutching my chest, trying to stop my racing heart.

 "Well little thorn, I learned to mask my scent if need be, but for this one it was just to scare you, and it fucking worked," he said this while laughing and pinching my nose at the same time.

 'Really! Can you teach me!' I yelled in the mind link.

 " All in due time, but for now battle tactics are what you should focus on, now I'm starving let's head in there and eat," he replied.

All pack members we passed by bowed a little to show respect for their soon-to-be alpha. Once we reached the huge dining room, I spotted my parents talking to the beta and alpha's family, so I asked Aldric to meet them.

 "Good evening alpha Miles, Luna Mina, beta Jack, mom and dad", I greeted them each with a little wave.

 Alpha Miles let out a frustrated sigh, "How many times do we have to tell you to stop talk to us with our ranks, to you, it's Miles mister", everyone on our group including a few members who heard us laughed at the alpha's remark.

 "I'll try my best sir", I gave him a salute with what I was saying. 

He let out a hearty laugh and pulled me into a side hug, to which I accepted wholeheartedly.

As time passed while dining, both Miles and Aldric stood up. Aldric clanked his cup with a small spoon to gain everyone's attention. 

"Hello everyone, we have news on what's to come on my son's 18th birthday party and when he's finally of age to take over the pack", Miles began, and after he was done, he motioned for Aldric to continue. 

"As most of you know that my birthday is in about 3 weeks or fewer, though it's quite early to announce this, I couldn't wait so...," he then turned to me and continued, 

"Leo Wyatt Wilder, with the agreement of the alpha, our current beta and future beta, we would like you to be pack's second beta, for an omega, you've proved to us that you are capable of leadership alongside the higher ups, you've shown more strength that even me once in a while. So think about our offer, I mean, even the pack's council approved of you being beta, and you know how strict they are, I'm sure everyone feels the same way". (everyone clapped after he finished congratulating me.)

 Words at that moment could not express how I felt at the moment. I was just very, I repeat, very shocked. The bewildered look I had was matched both mom and dad's face. 

"It's okay little thorn, take your time and think it over, but between you and me you have until my, sorry I mean our birthday.  You know, because we were born on the same date, so you have until then to think it over", he gave me a wink after.

(Later that evening)

After dinner, I headed home before my parents. I was still speechless after that announcement. My family's house was more secluded, it was quite huge. I lived in a large estate thanks to my parent's thriving company. It took alpha Miles along with Aldric's help a long time to expand the pack territory to be able to build the estate. Even till this day, I question why an estate instead of living with the rest of the pack, but I guess I'll never know.

 Once I reached home, I did my night routine and went to sleep, but the thought of today's events made me just want to scream in happiness. They were right about one thing, I wasn't an everyday omega.

 I was so happy that the whole pack, even the alpha family and council elders, recognized the strength I had. For the first time, I wished for the moon goddess to make the days go faster so that I turn 17 already. After long, grueling hours of sheer joy and a bit of anxiety, sleep overtook me.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I everyone I hope you like the of many chapters, if you do follow for more and comment below stay tuned, love you !!!!!!!!!!!!

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