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Leo's POV

I was surrounded by a large body of water, and I wasn't sinking, I was walking on it? Where on earth am I. A distance away, I saw a tiny island with a tree with pure white flowers. There was something that was calling me to that island, but what? Guess I have to find out.

Upon reaching the island, a soothing voice sung a wonderful song. The sound of that voice feels like it could take all my troubles away. 

"Hello!" I called out.

The singing stopped. Soon after, a face of a beautiful girl with white hair popped out of a bush nearby. *Gasp!*. Why did she gasp?

"Umm, hi, I ne...," 

"Oh my goodness! It's really you!" She jumped in my arms. What the hell.

"What are you doing here, it's way too early?" What is she on about.

"Do I know you?" I was so confused right now.

She tightly held my shoulders,

"I'm your mother!"

I froze and silence engulfed us. I looked at her in the eye to check for any signs of a single lie, but the wasn't any. All I saw pure joy, happiness in her eyes. So many questions ran in my mind.

"What? How?" I hugged her as I asked. Tears I didn't notice fall were wiped away by my mother, my true mother, the person I've longed to meet for so many years.

Before she could explain, the world around us started fading, her along with it.

"What is happening?" 

"We are out of time, I promise to see you again" She spoke with a sad smile.

"No, no, please, Mom, take me with you!" I yelled for my mother. Fresh tears fell.

"I won't leave you, take this as an 'I'll see you later'. I'll find you in your dreams, my son," And with that the world turned white.

"In present time"

*Gasp!* I sprung up on my bed. 

One thing I felt was that my whole body was sore, so just as fast as I got up, I went back down just as fast. What happened, why am I on a bed? This wasn't my room. A familiar scent hit me, then the door opened.

*Gasp* "You are awake. Shit, everyone, he's awake!" Aram shouted.

I winced at the high volume of his voice. In a few seconds, the entire room was filled with many faces. A few held worry, while others were happy.

"How are you feeling?"

When I turned to look at Aram, he had a lot of bandages along with Dad, Jack, Cody and, and Matt. I wanted to ignore him, but I was failing big time. Is it really him? If so, how is he still alive?

Flashbacks of yesterday's events flooded my mind, the battle, I remember having a plan to stop a wolf creature that was quite unbeatable. What happened after?

"What happened yesterday, with that thing and the witch?"

"Yesterday? No, that was four days ago," What! I've been out for four days.

My mouth was slightly ajar at the revelation.

"Oh" Is all I could master at the moment.

Mom entered the room with Massaman Curry, thank goodness, I was really starving. As if to agree with me, my tummy rumbled, this caused a few laughs. Mom shooed everyone and told me to eat then get ready, and meet them at the sitting room. She, too, left.


The house was badly damaged, but not that bad not to live in for a couple of days or so. When I made my way down the stairs, it was quiet.

I peeked my head through the entrance to the siting room and my family was stiff. They kept on looking at everything but forward. Opposite them set the two alphas and Matt. Those three looked intensely at my family, to which they responded by looking away. I swear I'd be laughing right now, but it wasn't the time. *Ahem*

The whole turned their attention to me. The alphas and Matt held small smiles, while my family had smiles as well, but sad ones. Dad motioned for me to sit to which I did, only, both alphas growled, Cody even attempting to get up, but Jack pulled him back by the shoulder. Matt just sat there, uncomfortable, eyes about to pop out. He shook his head at me, what the hell.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Could you sit anywhere but next to him" Jack pointed his finger at Aram. I get it now, possessive alphas, I should have known.

I rolled my eyes and stood in front of them. Pushing them apart, I set between them and folded my arms together.

"Happy?" I spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Very" Cody whispered.

In all honesty, I can't say this isn't comfy.

Dad had something to say, so I looked at him.

"*Sigh* I'm cutting to the chase, son, I think it's better you move out. We can't protect y..."  I ended up cutting him off.

"Okay. I suppose I'll be going with them?" I stared at the floor as I spoke. I mean, what did you expect, for me to argue? Heck no! With the witch and that thing on the loose, I would rather live with these killers who I'm sure won't harm me than deal with them alone.

Jack lowered his head so that he meets my gaze. He gave the sweetest smile which made me choke on air, literally. Cody laughed lightly, covering his mouth.

"The same thing happened to me when I met his family for the first time" He whispered in my ear.

I pushed both of their faces away from me.

"W- when are we leaving?" I tried changing the subject.

Now was the reply I got from Matt.

Lost and Broken : An Omega's Unwavering Spirit (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now