A minor victory

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Cody's POV

"What do we do?" I asked Jack. Fear cannot describe the emotions I feel for this thing coming our way.

"It's after Leo. The best thing to do is distract it," Jack spoke.

We have fought this wolf before, it didn't end well for us. Because of it, we lost quite a number of pack members. Our pack survived because it was probably called back by the witch. In fear of it coming back, the whole pack had to relocate.

I was snapped back to reality by Jack yelling at me in my mind to get out of the way, but it was too late. The creature tackled me to the ground, then opened its mouth, revealing razor sharp teeth. Fuck, its breath cannot be saved! 

Just as it was about to dig its teeth into my neck, my mate, Jack, used his large body slightly push the creature away from me. Still on the ground, Jack hovered above me, growling. The creature wasn't phased at all.

The creature lunged for us again, only this time it stopped half way. It sharply turned its head to where Leo stood, away from the fight. The wolf now turned its entire body toward Leo, snarling, what did our mate do?

With a final growl, Leo suddenly jumped at the beast. He took a good bite at the wolf's left side of its face. In retaliation, the monster took one of Leo's front legs with its mouth and threw him quite a distance. Max, my wolf, took that a little to heart because I felt him trying to take over my body. Sensing my problem through our bond, Jack made his way to me.

"What's wrong? Is it Max again?" I nodded.

Max was never active that much until recently. Not just me, but Jack's wolf is making it hard for him as well. I guess they can't keep their excitement at bay for finally meeting the second half.

A loud snarl interrupted us, Leo was backing away, limping a little. Just as the creature raised it's big, sharply clawed paw, a wolf similar to Leo's pushed the beast a few meters away from Leo. It then made its way to Leo, checking if he is alright. Jack growled at the imposter. The real Leo growled back, causing the black lycan to flatten its ears to his mate.

Footsteps from the beast sounded close from us and a sharp pain erupted from my side and saw black a little. The whine that escaped me was quite loud.

A nudge to my side brought me to. Once the darkness in my eyes decimated, Leo came to view.

"Are you okay?" He linked. He may be trying to hide it, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Before I could even answer, he spoke again.

"Can you buy me some time? I think I found a way to stop it,"

"Leave it all to us," Is all I said, now fully up. I left him and made my way to help the others.

Looking behind, I saw a hint of white heading to the direction of Aram's house. What on earth is he going to do?

Leo's POV

Goddess, I hope I'm correct. If my plan doesn't work, then that thing would be practically unbeatable.

The closer I got to home, a disturbing amount of dark energy grew. It kind of got me shaking. I needed to go faster, time is running out. No one knows how long those three will keep that thing at bay, so hurry!

Finally, I was here. What I saw shocked me, a person resembling my dead friend was facing off a woman who had a scent quite similar to mine in a way. A few wolves aided the men. Aram was further back, away from the fight, while dad was nowhere to be seen. A stench of death was also in the air, what the hell happened here? I left for a couple of hours and this is what I missed.

 As the battle raged on, I made my way to Aram while also trying to get a good look at the strangers. I hid in the thick foliage. Halfway to Aram, a warning howl sounded. Shit! That thing is on its way, I need to hurry. A touch to my side made me jump in surprise, only to find that it was Aram. He was really banged up, but still on his feet.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He whisper yelled.

"There was this creature that attacked me and my mates. I came up with a plan to stop it, and now it's coming here quickly." I linked as fast as I could.

"What can I do?" Is he serious? He wants to help in his condition.


"No, we are running of time. What can I do?" I hated it when he got stubborn like this.

"Fine, could you lead the witch into a much clearer spot like that one. I need much open space for my attack, and avoid any obstacles."

With a nod, off he went. I went to my position and started to channel large amounts of energy. I really hope it works. For a deeper focus, I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. The electric sensation made its way from my feet up my spine and stopped there, brooding, growing.

"Hey, you, asswipe!" Aram's voice.

A crunching sound of bones breaking made its way to my ears. I was so scared for him, but I had to trust him.

"Fuck, kid, what the hell are you doing here? I told you to leave with your father." That voice. 'Don't focus on that voice, concentrate!' I told myself.

I as the power grew inside of me, three pairs of feet started moving. After a couple of minutes, the feet stopped straight ahead but not close to me. The woman seemed to be struggling. 

"Let go of me!" She screamed.

"Leo, now, do it now!" Aram shouted, and with that I let the power go. Upon release, I opened my eyes and mouth. The feeling on my back travelled to my mouth and a strong ball of energy flew out with force that pushed me back.

A mist of black clouded my vision and I fainted. Did we win? Goddess, I hope so.

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