A bad feeling

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This chapter's a little disturbing for some. Let's jump into the story, shall we. Comment and stay updated.

Leo's POV

Something was definitely wrong, could feel it. Not many people know this, but I have a unique gift, I have short but vivid dreams when something threatens the balance of the surroundings I live in. Every morning for the past 4 weeks, which means the wait for mine and Aldric's birthday is almost here and when I mean by here I meant in 2 days, gosh can you believe how time flies these days!! The dreams have gotten to a point that I'd wake up screaming or crying, which I rarely do, which means what is to come we should be on the ready.

"Are you sure that you are okay, I'm starting to worry about you, little thorn?" Aldric spoke with a very worried tone. The dreams started getting worse to such lengths that the alpha family, mainly the alpha himself, the Luna of the pack, his beta (who's his brother) and Aldric got involved, they were also the people who of my little gift. "For the last time, I am fine, sure it's a little worrying how the dream ends, but we will be okay", that was all I could say with a faint smile trying to ease myself and everyone as I remembered the dream. After some time, the alpha spoke, "would you please tell what happen in your dream, son." 

I took a few quick breaths and told them what I remembered,


I was in the woods on my own, heavily panting at that and the reason only the Goddess knew. It was as if I was racing to get home when multiple figures appeared, both in human and wolf form. They were definitely werewolves, but like many other dreams I've had, the bodies were foggy, so I could not recognize anyone of them even if I knew them.

I knew I wouldn't make it to the pack house in time, so I prepared for the worst, I held my ground to try to take out as many of the enemies I can. Before I could attack one of them, two howls sounded from way beyond the further parts of the forest pack lands. For some reason the sound made me want to go to the source, but the snarls around brought me back to my deadly situation. One howl this time sounded not close from us and all the snarls from the wolves instantly stopped. Both wolves and humans backed away from me, confusing me for a bit before with such inhumanly speed they pounced on me.

After that, images of all my friends, family, and other pack members flashed in my mind. All were slaughtered, the alpha and Luna beheaded alongside a growing pile of dead bodies as the pile grew. It was so disheartening people I grew with dead like that, I just wanted to cry at that moment. Aldric's face appeared in front of me as I was in complete darkness. He gave me a small smile while tearing up. His tears were blood, he cupped my face and silently said I should save myself until he too was in the pile of lifeless bodies, his eyes still staring at me, body lifeless.

With that I let out I very loud scream in my dream which led me to being violently shaken by either one of my family members in an effort to wake me up. When I'm finally awake, I would cry for hours of what I'd dreamt.


"And what scares the most is that it always ends like that", I finished telling them my nightmare. Everyone had nothing to say, they just kept looking at each other, lost of words. "Oh Goddess, is this what's to become of the pack?" my Luna spoke while looking at her mate, her voice was shaking as she spoke. 

"My love you have nothing to worry about, all is well for now until we know more", the alpha spoke trying to comfort his mate and us.

'Alpha, is everything alright?', the pack's delta sounded through the pack's mind link. Being honest, it startled me a bit. Was the alpha's distress that much, such that the pack could feel it?

"Uncle Miles, don't you think it's best you let the pack know? That way the people can be careful and look out for each because it's not like we're not always there," I told him what I thought was right. Before he can respond, Aldric spoke first, 

"As good as that is, we can't spread panic throughout the pack, and also they could ask us what and how we know, and we don't want that, as helpful as you gift is, if more people know about it can threaten your life so we'll hold off letting the pack know for now," he replied to me which I gave a small nod to.

"As good as that is, we can't spread panic throughout the pack, and also they could ask us what and how we know, and we don't want that, as helpful as you gift is, if more people know about it can threaten your life so we'll hold off letting the p...

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(Leo's safe place)

After the meeting, I had decided to make time for myself, so came to my safe place. It was one of the perks of leaving in a huge ass estate, am I right?

It was about evening when came here. I watched the last of the orange rays of light disappear while glistening in the lake. It was a wonderful sight to see, especially such a long and very worrisome day.

I couldn't imagine what happened in my dream happening to my very own pack. I started to tear up, I really couldn't let this happen to us. "Goddess, please let this storm pass, give us strength for what's to come", I prayed, I never really pray for anything but right now, if the prayer came true I swear I would change. But one thing about my dreams is that they are never wrong, that's the freaky thing.

Some time passed with me swinging on my safe place. I just decided to get to walking home. Well, what has me happy is that now I have until the end of tomorrow to officially become beta. Yes! I made up my mind and want to become a beta. I still can't believe the elders wanted an omega to become beta. It's such a huge honor considering the elders are just old alphas of the pack, which some look down upon omegas.

" I will defend my home and protect its people, I will become strong," I said to myself with a clenched fist. Nothing was going to stop me from becoming the strongest. I had stopped when I said that, after I was done I continued my way to home, which was at the heart of the estate. We needed to prepare, that was for sure.

Lost and Broken : An Omega's Unwavering Spirit (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now