Chapter 18: Shalu realized her love for Vrish!!!

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Story Unfolds:

At Morning 2 days later: At the Royal Garden of Anga Palace:

One boy was standing tall calmly. He was unsure what to do now. He had heard everything. He understood the dilemma of his father Karna. He was bound to give permission. Of his son's marriage. With the beautiful daughter of Raj Kumar Duryodhan. But the boy was angry on his father. He should at least have to ask his Vrish Bhaiya. No. He was not Vrish. He was his younger sibling Satya or meek and timid, shy and sensitive Satyasen. The real son of Shone and Sumedha. Adopted son of Karna and Supriya.

Satya or Satyasen ( Young Brother of Vrish)

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Satya or Satyasen ( Young Brother of Vrish)

He was hurt. Not at all physically, but mentally. His other siblings were now laughing merrily and playing hide and seek with each other. He was not a bit interested. He was so enraged on his father Karna now. He was not like outsmart Sushen, mischievous and naughty Prasen, shy and introvert Bana, seldom naughty and seldom too much dignified Chitra, two pranksters Shatru and Dip. He was a rare kind of boy. He loved to read most of the time. He, as Prince, knew almost everything yet he loved to stay alone. He was a bit loner at heart. Only his Vrish Bhaiya could understand him. Others were too young to realize his feelings. But he loved his family tenderly. That was the reason why he went to the war of Mahabharata. For saving the dignity of his father Karna. He xohsl back out. But he did not. Satya was a little loyal boy of Karna. Always. Even when in his childhood he lifted his arms on his father. (Read my story on "Supriya")

He was enraged on his father Karna yet he understood him perfectly. His father was in the eternal debt under Prince Duryi. He was ready to do just anything to lift the debt. Declaration of Vrish and Mani's engameant was a small token of his gratitude to Duryi. He understood his father's side yet he was behaving like a child. As he knew that this decision would ruin his big brother, his Vrish Bhaiya's, heart. He would be deprived to be united with his own love of life. You can see all by yourself how much every brother of Vrish loved him!!!!!

All of a sudden he sensed a familiar poke in his ribs. He sharply turned back to face Shtru and Dip laughing at him merrily. He narrowed his eyes to them. It was bad habit of both of the boys to poke in someone's ribs.

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