Chapter 11: Return Of Vrish after 3 yrs!!

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Story Unfolds:

At the Royal Garden of Anga: At dawn time:

One boy of 16 was practicing hard. Yet his mind was racing fast. He was now thinking deep. He was in dilemma. He did not know whether he had to go to his Gurukul or teacher's house to end his training or to be present here with his dear family. He was confused very much at heart. That was seen in his aim. He who was a master Archer, could not be able to aim his target.

He tried to aim at his target yet failed to do so. He nodded his pretty head in disappointment. It was fifth time that he missed his target. What happened to him?!! He was idle to his siblings. He was demi-god to all of them. But he lost his focus today. He could not be able to concentrate. A bit.

He looked at the direction of target. It was a hole on tree trunk. He could be able to aim at it easily everyday. But today was an exception. His mental dilemma was clouding his aim.

He lifted his bow and touched it with his left hand softly. It was a gift of his father Karna to him. On his own 6th birthday. He worshipped the Bow as a part of his body since then. It was a custom to realize the weapon as a part of your body. Unless none could be able to even lift it. Karna admitted Vijay dhanush as the part of his body. So also this boy his Sashank dhanush made of white cronch.

He lifted the left hand and brought it in front of his own face. It was held the dhanush or Bow gently. He bent his right hand on his tunir or bow bag to draw his arrow when he sensed a soft tug on his shoulder. With a jolt he sharply turned back and faced his dear mother Padma standing beside him. She was looking at his aim. So the boy could watch her face partially. It was not a happy face. Rather a grim one.

       Devi Vrushali Padmavati

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Devi Vrushali Padmavati

"Pranipat (Bow to you), Mate!!!" The boy folded his palms in respect.

She did not look at him. She was still looking at his aim. In vacant eyes. As if she was thinking what to tell to her dear Vrish or Vrishasen!!!!

"Mate!!!" He called for her softly.

She now tilted her pretty head slowly to him and asked him calmly "Putra ap yahan kyun samay byay kar rahe ho?!!! (My son, why you are wasting your valuable time here?!!)" with a small smile on her beautiful face.

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Vrishasen's Vatsyala: a doomed love story (Karna Series 6)Where stories live. Discover now