Chapter 39: Draupadi-Shalu & Pradumna-Vrish meetings!!

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Story Unfolds:

From the point of view of Shalu:

At the Royal Garden of Matsya: Several days later:

One girl of sixteen was roaming at the Royal Garden absentmindedly. She was lost in her thoughts. She wanted to spend most of the times with her little mother-in-law or Choti Ma Devi Uruvi but it was not possible always. Uruvi took the liberty of arranging the bridal suit of Avi and Ara. She was the person who first make attempts to unite Avimanyu  with his young wife. She even took the responsibility of welcoming guests. But she was seen to avoid Pandava and Devi Draupadi deliberately. She was present here on the behalf of her childhood friend or Avi's mother Bhadre or Subhadra. As it was a custom that the mother of the groom could not attend the ceremony. She lost her desire to amend or to talk with Pandava or Draupadi. Her heart was detached from them. 13 yrs ago.
It was not the case that Pandava had understood the reason of her such decision. Arjuna tried to call for her several times. Nakul or Kul followed her everywhere. Sahadev or Dev had observed her behaviour silently as he always loved to do so. Bheem was taken aback. Only Yudhhi stood calm and composed as usual. He knew the reason of Uruvi's anger on them. Only he guessed the identity of Uruvi long before. Her immense love and respect for Karna had disclosed her identity to him. As Karna Sangini. It was this man who decided to save Padmavati from goons and immediately took her as his mother-figure. As Radheya Priya. It was he who had identified Supriya as Devi of Karna. This man was very complex in nature. Just like his cousin brother Duryi. He loathed the caste system yet maintained his silence about it. He was called as a spineless man by most while he was not. He encouraged his brothers in blood thirsty war of Mahabharata yet he hated it from the bottom of his heart. It was he who had lied to Guru Dronacharya ("Aswathamma Hato") when even Bheem refuted to say it. I want to explore his character in my separate book on him. Let's continue with the story.

The girl was twisting her end of Saree with her both knuckles. She was not ready to accept the war possibilities. She hated War!!! She knew perfectly that if it would take place then her husband and her family would stand up against each other!!!! Karna would be with Duryodhan while her uncle Lord Krishna with Pandava!!! And it was known by all that in whose side Lord Krishna would be, success would be in his side!!! What to do?!! She was so anxious?!!! As a daughter she could nor afford to contradict with decision of her family!!! While as a wife she had no desire to left the side of her husband Vrish!!!! She was in some mortal distress!!!!!

A small sigh escaped her throat. She was so confused right now!!!!

All of a sudden she sensed a soft tug on her right shoulder. A feminine One. An unknown One. Whose could it be?!!

She sharply turned back to face the lady who was standing tall behind her. Then she noticed that it was not her mother-in-law Uruvi whom she had expected now. It was the queen of Mahabharata gatha. Devi Draupadi.

Vrishasen's Vatsyala: a doomed love story (Karna Series 6)Where stories live. Discover now