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Chapter Twenty-Four:

~ Working on a plan to catch the road-runner ~

The next morning dawned bright and clear, bathing the world in a warm, inviting light. It was the kind of day that normally would have had me eager to step outside, breathe in the crisp air, and feel the sun on my face.

But this morning, everything was different.

I rolled over, away from the light that streamed in through the window, and buried my face in my pillow. I didn't want to face the day, didn't want to see anyone, didn't want to deal with any of it. My world had been turned upside down, and I didn't know how to put the pieces back together.

It had been a restless night, filled with fitful sleep and nightmares of Charles's face, twisted in anger and betrayal.

Eventually, I forced myself to get out of bed. The air felt colder than usual, and a shiver ran down my spine. I showered quickly, trying to wash away the lingering feelings of anger and guilt that clung to my skin. As I dried off, I glanced at my phone, half-hoping that there might be a message from him.

It was Amelia.

Amelia: Hey Lily, I've just had a word with Fred about the situation with the media and he's not happy. He thinks it's time we had a little chat about what's been going on. Can you come in for a meeting this morning? Thanks, girl.

Me: Sure. But what did you mean about the 'situation with the media'?

Amelia: You don't know?

Amelia: Okay, maybe stay off social media for now. I'll tell you in person.

Me: What's going on? Have I done something wrong?

Amelia: We'll talk

Me: Fine

Me: What time?

Amelia: When can you get here?

Me: Half an hour?

Amelia: Good. Conference room in half an hour. See you soon.

I put my phone down and ran a hand down my face. I hadn't been planning to go in today at all. In fact I was hoping to fly out before lunch but here we are. Duty calls.

I pulled on a pair of black slacks and a crisp white blouse, feeling a sense of dread settle heavily in my stomach as I buttoned them up. With a sigh, I ran a brush through my hair and then made my way down to the lobby, trying to convince myself that whatever it was, it couldn't be that bad.

I wanted desperately to just find out what was going on myself but I told her I wouldn't. I didn't want to be in any more trouble than I already was.

The drive took longer than I expected so I found myself running 5 minutes late. I took a deep breath as I walked into the office, trying to calm the racing thoughts in my head. I found the right room and knocked.

"Come in."

Fred's thickly accented voice echoed through the room as I opened the door, "Thank you for coming in, Lily. Please, have a seat." I glanced around the room, taking in the familiar faces.

But instead of two people I was previously expecting, there were three. My heart skipped a beat as I took in the familiar face of Charles. His eyes met mine briefly before looking away, and I felt a pang of hurt deep in my chest.

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