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Chapter Two

~ The nonsense has escalated ~

"She has been a force to be reckoned with all season, defying expectations and proving that gender is no barrier to success in Formula 1. This victory is not just for her, but for all the young girls watching at home who now see that anything is possible."

"Max Verstappen has fought with her all the way to the finish line, but this season belongs to the Pheonix! She has shattered glass ceilings and rewritten the history books. Today we witness the beginning of a new era in motorsport, where talent and determination know no bounds."

"And here she comes now. One more corner to go. The celebrations at Redbull have already begun. You can hear the screams of the crowd."


Now you may be thinking: "What the actual fuck is going on? Where'd all the time go?"

Well, allow me to give you a rundown.

After he had calmed down that night, we talked for hours. He had overflowed, all of his emotions just spilling out in the form of words.

He talked for hours.

I listened for hours.

Then at last I had fallen asleep, his arm around me. I had felt peaceful for the first time in a long time. Some naive little part of me thought that maybe he wasn't the leaving jerkface, stupid, gorgeous, walking out, fake ass, liar, pretty, dickweed, doucheburger, seductive, dickweasel, fucking hot as hell, jagoff, getting up and leaving me just when I thought he was changing douchecanoe that I had thought he was. But I knew better now.

I knew he was all of those things and worse.

After I woke up and realized he was gone. I got pissed. After everything, he was just going to bail. 

Well, fuck him.

I packed up my shit and I got out of there.

Of course it's hard to avoid him now because we work together and we still have to be seen together all the time. But I've found ways to detach myself from it. When he touches me, I don't let myself melt. When he is close, I don't let myself feel anything.

That's not even the worst part about the past month.

The worst part is I've lost my ring.


My mom hasn't found out yet so I am still alive, but I've searched everywhere and it's gone. I think it could have slipped off my finger or fallen behind something. I travel a lot (obviously) so it could literally be anywhere in the world.

The narrows it down, huh?


Back to the present where the most amazing thing is happening right before my eyes. One of my closest friends in finally getting what she has worked so hard for. And I couldn't be more proud.

The finish line flashes by me, the flag waving frantically. The pit fence painted with black and orange, fists pumping, mouths open in screams of triumph. Ahead of me, I could see Sabrina's hands coming out of the cockpit, waving and pumping in victory.

I could almost hear her screaming on her radio. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from grinning. This was it. This was the moment that would change this sport forever. For the better.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄 ~ | 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘓𝘦𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘤Where stories live. Discover now