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Chapter Thirty:

~ Thou art unfit for any place but Hell, Good Sir ~

I hadn't been able to get the kiss out of my head since it happened. It was...intriguing. I couldn't stop thinking about it, replaying it over and over in my mind.

The first time I ever kissed her was an impulse, a fleeting moment of desire that took over me. I knew she had a boyfriend so from then on I wanted to keep my distance, you know, from her lips.

I was working slowly on getting them to break up, intending to restrain myself until she was single. But that had awoken something in me. Something primal and possessive. I couldn't get it out of my head.

And that night happened.

She had said my name.

I hadn't heard her say it in so long. I hadn't heard her say anything but insults and mockery for years. There was something about the way my name sounded on her lips that made something in me stir. Something deep and primitive, something that made me feel... alive.

I remember that kiss better than anything. The taste of her lips, the softness of her skin, the feel of her body pressed against mine were burned permanently into my memory. She had been so angry. But in that moment, there was nothing but desire, nothing but the overwhelming need to feel her body against mine.

She didn't hate it. Me? For sure. But my lips? Never.

I had felt her body respond to me. That was one of the things I enjoyed most about her. All it took was the slightest touch, the lightest brush of skin against skin, and she was mine to control, mine to enjoy.

I couldn't help but wonder what she would do if I were to kiss her again, if I were to claim her lips as mine, as they so rightfully belonged. I knew she would fight me, and of course, I would never do anything without her consent.

It was the fight that made her intoxicating. The thrill of the chase, of trying to get under her skin. She was a puzzle I couldn't solve, and the more I tried, the more I wanted to solve her.

The drive from the airport was a blur. I barely remembered checking in or even taking the elevator up to our room.

Yes. "Our" room.

Fred had broken the news to me only a day ago. I had to share a room with her. Of course, for her, this was a nightmare. But for me... it was just another opportunity.

Lando had been teasing me relentlessly, taunting me with the deadline. This just made my determination grow. I was going to win this goddamn bet.

I hadn't expected it to be this hard though. She was more stubborn than I had anticipated. Every time I thought I might be getting to her, she would push me away again. And the more I pushed back, the harder she fought. It was like we were in some sort of twisted dance, where neither of us wanted to give in.

I paused at the door, listening for any noise that would tell me she had already arrived. Of course she had. It was 11 at night and she was always on time. Unlike me. I glanced at my watch.

Yup. Four hours late.

I decided I had done enough stalling and went inside. She looked up at the sound of the door. She was sitting on the couch, a blanket wrapped tightly around her. She turned her attention back to the TV where some Rom-com movie was playing.

"Oh, you're finally here." She said, not looking up at me. "I was beginning to wonder if your plane had crashed and you were too dead to show up."

"Funny. But I'm not, clearly." I put down my bag and pulled of my coat, hanging it up next to the door.

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