1. The New Guy

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[7:30 a.m.]

It was bright and early, a Tuesday morning. Everyone had started to file slowly into the large lecture hall, slamming their books, bags, or laptops down on their small desks.

As everyone walked in, their eyes quickly drifted to the left corner of the room.

It was in that last row, the last seat to the left, against the wall, where each one of them would spot an unfamiliar face. His hood was up over his head, his eyes glaring as they met the eyes of anyone's who met his. Not one single student dared to sit near him, leaving a large gap between him and the others. He didn't mind in the slightest bit. He preferred it that way.

[7:45 a.m.]

The professor arrived 15 minutes late as he trotted down the row of stairs, reaching his desk at the floor level.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat loudly to gain the attention of the students. They silence at the sound of his voice.

"Good morning, rowdy bunch. I apologize for keeping you waiting. I hit traffic this morning."

The professor scanned the room at the group, and suddenly, he noticed the unfamiliar face in the back corner, secluded from the rest.

"Ah, that's right. I remember I was informed we had a new face joining us." He pointed and motioned his hands for the distant student to stand.

"Stand up and introduce yourself, young man. We are all family here."


"No need to be shy. I know you heard me loud and clear. Or do I have to SAY IT LOUDER?" The professor raised his voice in a teasing manner.

All eyes suddenly turned to the male student. The other students all started to mumble and whisper to one another.

"Tch." The first sound out of his mouth as he pushed his hood down and stood from his seat.

"OOH INTERESTING INDEED!" A young woman with brown hair in a messy ponytail and glasses said loudly. She continued to push her glasses up her nose. A slight glare appeared on the lenses.

The young man's stormy deep blue eyes gazed around the room. God, he hated being the center of attention. He pushed his raven colored hair back, running his fingers through, as it slowly fell back into place. He crossed his arms and let out a sigh.

"Levi.. just Levi." His low, dusted, but firm voice echoed throughout the large room.

"Levi? Pftt. What the hell kind of name is Levi?" A group of guys near the front of the class started to chuckle in response to the remark.

The guy who said it? Ezekiel Jaeger.. or Zeke for short. The so-called leader of the "in" or popular group of boys. In other words.. the jocks.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Zeke and then back at Levi. Even the professor was interested in this exchange. Everyone, I mean everyone, was interested in everything Zeke did. He could do no wrong. He was the "it guy" of Freedom University.

"Ha." Levi let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Funny. Your glasses look like they are straight out of the 1800's, your beard desperately needs a trim, and I can practically see crumbs still stuck in that monstrosity from all the way over here. It's filthy. What did you have.. a poptart for breakfast, beardy?"

"OH SHIT, OH SHIT!" The brunette with the glasses smiled widely and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose again.

Some chuckles escaped some other students' mouths as they tried to mask the sound. Even one of Zeke's boys had to hold himself back from the reaction that was threatening to leave his lips. The rest of the students continued to look back and forth between the two guys, mouths wide in awe. How could somebody be so brave to insult Zeke? Especially this new guy?

Zeke was speechless for a moment, trying his best to come up with some type of rebuttal. He stood up and opened his mouth, unsure of his next words.

"W-well.. you.. look like a child! What are you borderline midget? Hahaha.." The blonde bearded man said awkwardly as he pulled his collar from his neck a bit.

"Yeah. I've heard that before. Very original, big guy." Levi said unfazed as he started to walk down the steps next to him, putting his hands in his pockets. He passed a couple of rows until he made it to a row of ladies. He then sat on the steps in the aisle, legs spread, and turned to a young woman sitting at the end of the row.

"But I've been told.." He gave her direct eye contact with his hooded eyes and continued. "..good things come in small packages. What do you think, sweetheart?"

The ladies in the row all start to giggle as the young woman turns her head. A slight blush creeping up her cheeks.

"BAHAHAHAHA!" The female student with the glasses snorted loudly and choked. "CHARMING! BALLSY! ENTERTAINING! I LOVE THIS GUY!"

Zeke rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath. He then sat back down in his seat, seemingly accepting his defeat. Levi nodded at the ladies in the row next to him, stood up with hands still in his pockets, and continued back to his secluded desk. Chatter and laughter then started up between the students.

"Alright, alright.. everyone, let's settle down. Now that we got that out of our systems, I'd like to start my lesson for the day." The professor spoke loud and clear as he projected his voice for the class. "Let's open our notebooks or laptops and get ready to take some notes on the following topics.."

Levi gave the crowd of students seated in front of him one more glance, shook his head, pulled his hood back over his eyes, and then forcefully grabbed his notebook out of his backpack. He just wanted to have an easy first day and not be bothered with extra bullshit.. but bullshit always seemed to find Levi. Luckily for him, he was always ready for whatever was thrown at him. Still, he couldn't help but shake the feeling that today was going to be a long fucking day.

The New Guy [Modern LevixReader College AU]Where stories live. Discover now