18. "Regret" S. Coups = Sad/Angst

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Requested by: Miaxoxoxo13

Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy reading this!


I stole this imagine from my other account and edited a few scenes because I thought you guys might like the plot, although cliche, I hope you enjoy. :)

Role: Eun Byul

You and Seungcheol or S. Coups, yes, of the famous Seventeen, has been arranged in a marriage, it is not a secret and everyone knew it, his fans seemed to understand and was happy for you two and they even made friends with you.

You two were okay with it since you two were having this mutual understanding. For the few weeks, it has been alright for you two. You were happy with him, enjoying each other's company but everything then changed...

Back then, he would usually come home twice a week and would always spend quality time with you but now, he comes home once every two weeks only just to rest and boss you around. He started to be cold and would spit hurtful things towards you. You would try to call him but he wouldn't answer so you stopped because maybe he was busy. But when he comes home, he looks dead tired and he smells like a girl's perfume.

You were the type of girl who was understanding, although you already had a feeling that he is cheating on you, you still stayed loyal and thinking that he is just busy because he is an idol, after all.

'Seventeen's S. Coups going out with an unknown girl?! Is he really cheating on his wife?!'

Was what the article said. Everyday, you would see this in every social media and it even had different pictures with the same two person in every article but you thought, maybe she's just a cousin? A friend? What?

Whatever it was, it was still heartbreaking but you chose not to lose faith on him and not ask him that.

Your phone suddenly rang. You didn't want to answer it, but after it was your mom calling, you answered it.

"Annyeong. Ne. I'm doing fine. He's also fine. Yes, I remember that. What...? No... Later? So soon? What time? Okay... Bye..." You lifelessly hung up. Your knees gave up as you sat on the floor, staring at the nothingness.

You just simply couldn't believe the news, you won't believe it. You didn't want to face the truth.

A few hours later, the door opened. You gathered up all your strength and forced a happy smile which turned out to be a sad one as you greeted your husband.

"Welcome home, Cheollie, I have-"

"Move." Your sentence was cut off when he roughly pushed past you, he didn't care if you were on the floor already, he just made his way to your shared room. You couldn't help but tear up as your gaze followed his back. You followed him into the room after a few minutes and sat on your side of the bed.

"Cheollie? What do you wanna eat?" You asked but not daring to make physical contact with him or he might just hurt you like last time.

"Nothing, just go away." There it is again. the scent. You're very sure that a woman owns it and you know it very well. You helplessly sighed and walked out of the bedroom.

When did it turn out like this?

How did it turn out like this?

You started to pack a few of your clothes and necessities then placed them all in your bag pack. After that, you started working on your letter.

You couldn't help but cry out while writing it, the paper looked all smudgy but the writing was clear, which was enough for you.

You left the letter neatly folded on the dining room table along with two other object.

The last thing you did was kiss Seungcheol's forehead and bid goodbye in tears.

"Goodbye, Cheollie. Saranghae yo." You gently pulled the blanket up to his body and left the room, trying to make no loud sounds as you walked out of the room.

The next day, Seungcheol woke up early in the morning. He found it odd because you weren't sleeping beside him but he tried to ignore this because maybe you slept on the couch, which you usually do.

He walked to the door and opened it, expecting for you to be there, waiting for him and greet him. Sadly, you weren't there which made him nervous suddenly.

"Eun Byul? Where are you?!" He rushed to the living room, hoping for you to be there, sleeping on the couch but you weren't there. "Eun Byul! This isn't funny anymore!" At last, he checked the dining room. No one was there except for a note and a...

Signed divorce paper along with your wedding ring.

He shakingly read the note and took a deep breath before reading it with tears already forming in his eyes.

Dear my one and only precious Cheolli,

By the time you read this, I am no longer here. I don't know if I'm dead by now or whatever.

I'm sorry for being such a bad wife. I'm not able to take care of you and complete your needs. No wonder you found another girl?

I miss my Cheollie, my old Cheollie. Every time you come home, you would just act cold to me and I couldn't take it anymore. That's why I decided to leave for you and your future wife's happiness.

What happened to us, I wonder... We were fine from the very beginning but now...

Cheollie, how could you break our promise? You promised me that we would never, ever cheat and we will not hurt each other physically and mentally, but you broke it. How could you?

I guess you don't care about it anymore.

I'm sorry for wasting your time. If you're wondering why I'm writing this, but I guess you're not, here it goes. Remember the time when I went to the hospital? They said I was perfectly fine but yesterday, the results came up and they found something inside me.

It was a disease. A rare disease that is very deadly and they said I got only a few more weeks to live unless I'm immediately treated. Today, I flew off to America because the doctors who could possibly cure me are there.

I don't know when will I return or if I'll survive but I want to say that even if you don't love me, I will always love you with all my heart! Fighting, Cheollie!

He cried and cried while screaming out in frustration. Why was he like this? How could he think that the girl he is dating is better than you? Why did he cheat from the start? He had many questions in his mind. Now, he regrets it. He regrets cheating on you, he regrets everything. No one could be much better than you. No one could go beyond your abilities.

But sadly...

You're gone.

His life is gone...

Seventeen Imagines by saranghaiko。[END]Where stories live. Discover now