27. "Thank You." Jeonghan = Sweet/Light-Hearted

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Requested by: SparklingBubbleTea

Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy reading this!


Since this is set during first year college, Jeonghan will probably be younger and will just join Seventeen. Just clearin' it up so no confusions will be made, hopefully.


Hello! Late Merry Christmas and an advanced Happy New Year to you guys! Sorry for the delay and for not updating for so long, again.

Role: Chrissi

"I-is this 'A'?"


"A-and this is 'B'?"

"No. You should put your finger third finger here."

"Oohh. Okay." You nodded in understanding, finally getting the positioning of the fingers.

You were alone in the music room of your college with your boyfriend, Yoon Jeonghan, who is teaching you how to play the piano.

It's a fair trade anyway.

He teaches you how to play the piano for your father's birthday and you will sort of train his voice so that he'll know how high is the key he needs to use while singing because he'll soon join in an idol group.

Apparently, in your relationship, he's the angel who fell from the sky when the girl is supposed to be that one but the tables were turned around by destiny.

He thought you a few more notes and how to do them until you understood and could read the notes.

"Jeonghan-ah… Can you play a piece for me? Only a short one, i-if you don't mind." You asked shyly. You two are just recent couples, happened a month ago, and you're not yet used to these thingys and you're very awkward. You wondered sometimes if he'll leave you quickly because of this but actually, he find you very cute.

"Anything for you." You felt a sudden rush of warmth all over your face as he sat down and scooted closer to you.

You fiddled nervously with your fingers, struggling whether you should stand up or not to make him sit more comfortably.

"S-should I stand up?" You asked, looking down at your lap while taking small glances at him while waiting for his response. Instead, you felt a major goosebump when you felt his hand make contact with yours.

"Stay here."

"O-okay." You were flustered indeed. Well, who wouldn't be? A beautiful, sweet, nice, talented guy making contact with you.

You stared at him as he started to run his fingers through the piano keys. You thought to yourself that he's the aesthetic in your life. Not just in your life, in everyone's life.

Whoever the company who he will be joining to will be so lucky to have such a talented and beautiful man in their company.

You wondered what you have dome to deserve such a perfect guy but you thanked God for giving him to you anyway. You swear you're the luckiest girl ever.

You're starting to imagine what would happen if you haven't met him. Your life would probably be ugly.


And then you wake up from your daydream about him.

"O-oh… M-mian." You looked down, not only have you embarrassed yourself for spacing out, but you also think you've angered him. Instead, he just chuckled and patted your head gently.

"You're so cute." He said sweetly with his sweet smile that could melt everyone's hearts.

"W-why are you so perfect?" You mumbled softly to yourself. Your voice was audible enough for him to hear and he couldn't help but leave a soft peck on your forehead, leaving you stunned for a minute as you try to process what just happened.

"Because I'm with the one who is completing me to be perfect." You found his line too cheesy and you tried to fight the urge to laugh but to no vail. He just stared at you with a puzzled expression, not exactly knowing why you were laughing, but he was glad since it was his first time hearing you laugh like that.

"Come on, Jeonghan-ah, it's my turn to teach you now." You stood up from your seat as you wipe the tears caused by your laughter, saying it in a slightly cheerful tone.

"Sure." He flashed a gentle smile as he stood up and walked together with you, heading to his place for lessons.

"Okay…" You wiggled your butt slightly to get a comfortable sitting position on the chair and placed the acoustic guitar on your lap. You strummed it slightly and turned your attention to the door when you heard a call.

You stood up, placing the guitar by the desk  before opening the door. A woman with a beautiful face greeted you with a warm smile.

"A-annyeonghaseyo." You bowed to the lady, who was your boyfriend's mother and took the tray she held, containing some cookies and two orange juice, and placed it on the desk.

"Th-thank you, Mrs. Yoon." An angelic giggle escaped her lips.

"I told you to call me 'Eomma' now!" She pinched your cheek softly with a smile similar to her son.

You're so lucky.

Your boyfriend's family has the genes of an angel.

"Y-yes, eomma." She gave you one last smile before leaving, then enters him, Jeonghan.

"Let's start?" He said, you nodded and returned to your sitting position earlier.

"One of my technique is to mimic the sound the guitar makes. N-not literally the sound it makes but… you get what I mean." You two proceeded with the lesson and after that, he walked you home.

"Thank you for today, Jeonghan-ah." You said shyly, looking down on the ground while you two walked hand-in-hand.

"Thank you also. Thanks to you, I might be able to fulfill my dream to be an idol." He held your hand tighter, making you look up. You realized you two halted.

"Thank you, Chrissi-jagi." Unexpectedly, he kissed your lips passionately, leaving you stunned, but you soon went along.

Seventeen Imagines by saranghaiko。[END]Where stories live. Discover now