Requested by: choi-hansol
Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy reading this!
Role: Fari
You couldn't believe what you're seeing.
How can you not believe when you're seeing it with your own eyes?
And then suddenly, it's like your whole world crashed.
Time stopped.
It became hard for you to breathe.
It became hard for you to live, even.
"You mean so much to me, Lara."
It was Seokmin.
With a girl.
Hands together...
"Really? But what about your girlfriend? Fari, was it?"
"Don't worry. I'll break up with her soon. Just for you."
He kissed her lips that lasted for a few seconds, but to you, it looked like for minutes.
Having enough of the scenery, you turned your heels around and started crossing the street with tears making your vision blurry.
All you wanted was some peaceful time outside after your boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend, went to Hong Kong for weeks because of the MAMA 2015. You didn't even know he's back. He told you that he'll be back later at midnight.
"Unbelievable..." You mumbled to yourself. Keeping your head down. You trusted him so much yet this is how he repay you. Honestly, you didn't even know whether you're crying because of sadness or anger but of course, you know that you're indeed furious. Not with him, but with yourself.
The tears have stopped the moment you stepped inside your apartment. The first thing you did was dump every single thing he owned. Even the gifts he bought for you. You threw it all to a bag. You didn't even made an effort to fix it.
"I hate you so much, Lee Seokmin." You said to yourself and threw the bag harshly to the door. You plopped yourself on the couch and watched some T.V. to calm yourself up.
You flipped through the channels nonchalantly and stopped as soon as you caught a glimpse of your favorite cartoon show: Gravity Falls, and what luck, it's a whole marathon.
Soon, your mind was at ease, until you heard the door opening. You checked the time and saw that it was already past midnight. Your smile immediately turned to a displeased frown as soon as he revealed himself to you.
"Jagi! You're still awake!" He approached you with his usual gummy smile and wrapped his arms around your figure.
Was what you thought.
"Jagi, why's there a heavy bag by the door step? Is that supposed to be a gift for me?" He asked in excitement, not noticing the glare you're sending him.
"Sure. Open it." He quickly went to the door step to open it as you said. You heard a zipper being opened up and soon enough, you heard footsteps.
"Did you like it?" You asked in a monotone. Giving him a straight look while he only showed a frown with a hint of cluelessness in his expression.
"Jagi... Why are my things all there? Even my gift for you..." Sadness and pain was obvious in the tone he used. He looked in your eyes that looked barely a sign of a living person.
"Ask the girl you were with earlier, Lee Seokmin." Now, shock was evident but he regained himself quickly.
"W-what are you talking about?" He swallowed his saliva to lessen the fear he is feeling but alas, to no vail.
"Lee Seokmin." You said sternly but kept a straight face. "You know I hate liars and cheaters. Especially being cheated or lied by someone I. Trust. The most."
"J-jagi! Th-that's just a misunderstanding!" He tried to reason out but hearing his stuttering just doesn't make it look like the truth.
"Oh c'mon! Let's not be cliche! What? Is she your cousin?! Your friend?! What?!" Your voice became louder and louder. That's right. You're just spilling out your anger.
And you won't hold back.
"You know I have trust issues! You know I hate being lied to! Yet you do this to me?! How could you. After I have trusted you?! And you promised me you won't do that!" He looked at you with guilt, that's when you realized that you were already crying.
The pain is coming back again. The moment you've been cheated on by your last lover until this event. And it's hurting you so much.
"You know what? I hate you. Now, get out! Don't freaking come back nor even show your face because I swear I'll freaking cut you and ruin you!" He quickly ran out of the place with his things. He knew you and he knows it was not a threat. You don't do threats, you do as you say.
You've done that to a friend of yours before. She betrayed you and you told her the same thing yet she didn't believe you. Now? Her brain is damaged due to the incident. And you ruined her badly.
The room became quiet.
The T.V. is the only thing that makes the noise.
You stared blankly at the wall and you did not regret everything... You were tired of giving second chances because you know you'll get hurt again and again.
Out of the blue, you collapsed on the floor because of the stress and exhaustion you're feeling, not to mention you're barely getting enough sleep because of him.
The next day, you woke up in a comfy bed. As you remember, you collapsed on the floor yet you ended up in you bedroom.
"J-jagiya, I-I'm sorry..." You felt arms wrapped around your waist. You heard sniffing sound beside you.
"Seokmin...?" You were shocked. He bravely went here even though you told him you'll cut him.
"J-jagi!" He looked at you and you saw how red his eyes are. He tried to pull of a smile and hugged you once more. "Jagi, I'm sorry! P-please forgive me! You can cut me if you want just please f-forgive me!" His voice broke your broken heart to tiny pieces more. You want to give in but you couldn't.
"Seokmin... I told you I hate giving second chances. A-and after what you've done, I don't think I can trust you again..." You said softly as you sobbed with him.
"I-I know that, that's w-why I'll t-try to get your trust again. J-jagiya please. I need you in my life! I-I don't even know why I was cheating on you! You're the only one I love! Please, Fari!" You quickly embraced him after his heartbreaking begging. You gave in quickly because of him. Well, who wouldn't?
"Alright. Fine! I forgive you, b-but you have to gain my trust again, okay?"
"Thank you, Jagiya! I love you so much!"
"I love you, too, Jagi..."
Lame ik :(
And yes, I love Gravity Falls. :)

Seventeen Imagines by saranghaiko。[END]
FanfictionThis is an Imagine collection for the Rookie Group from Pledis Entertainment, Seventeen! Message me your request but please see the rules first! Strictly NO smuts! Sorry I don't take Member x Member imagines. This imagine collection is only for Mem...