22. "3rd Monthsary 2." Woozi = ???

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Here's to everyone who requested for a part 2 :)


This focuses on Woozi's perpective or view :)

Role: Ann

I saw her with my own eyes. I heard her with my own ears. I could see her tears streaming down her cheeks. She's crying her heart out again.

Guilt kept stabbing my heart for the millionth time.

This was my fault from the start. I should've never played with her. I should've never used her if my feelings were sincere.

I want to approach her. Hug her. Comfort her. Like what I did last time. But I can't because it'll pain her more.

"Ann, you're crying again? There, there... I'm here for you, it's alright." There he was, Jang Doyoon, our senior of one year. He's been beside her ever since I broke up with her. Seeing her in his arms angered me.

I'm supposed to be in that place.

"I-I'm alright, Doyoon-sunbae... I just... I got something in my eye." She said those lame excuses she's been using for so long.

Every month, when the day of us being official and break up, she would cry in the corner of the class as if she's isolated herself.

This has been happening for a year. Every single month. Even after we reached the next grade, we were classmates and she would suffer like that.

She placed a small barrier for herself, isolating herself from anyone and everyone.

But five months after our break up, there's this one guy who broke the barrier.

It was none other than Jang Doyoon-sunbae.

"Aish, always like that! Let's just go buy something! My treat!" He held her soft hands into his'. Gently pulling her up to stand on her feet.

"Y-yah! It's my turn to treat you!" She said defensively, like an innocent child she looks like, she wiped off the tears in her eyes.

"Hey, Jihoon-ah! Let's go!" I heard our leader, Seungcheol call out for me so I followed with hesitation, my gang left with me tailing along, stealing a glance of Ann.

I swear...

Our eyes met for a millisecond.

Dug dug.

Dug dug.

Dug dug.

My heart pounded.

I feel my cheeks heat up with something as simple as that.

Damn, I miss her so much.


"Huh? Oh. Oh. What?" Damn it. My mind's leaving earth again...

"Hyung? Are you alright?" Mingyu worriedly looked at me.

"It's September 17 today, Mingyu." Wonwoo said briefly, Mingyu quickly got the message so he just shut his mouth.

"Look, we're sorry about what happened, Jihoon-hyung." Hansol said sincerely, I smiled sadly at them.

"It's alright. It's all in the past now so let's just forget it." I said quietly.

When we were nearing our spot, I saw them again from afar, making me freeze on my spot.

I saw him kiss her cheek.

I saw him caress her hair.

I saw him tuck her hair behind her ear.

I saw him hold her hand.

And I saw her...

Smiling because of him.

Having enough of the heartbreaking scenery, I quickly walked away, not minding the call of my squad and headed straight the roof where no one really goes.

"Ahhh!!! I hate myself!!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs and threw away small box which contained a pair of earrings with a small diamond that she wanted. I worked hard on buying it. I had a part-time job and even did other chores just to gain it. I sold most my stuff and ate less. It was really expensive, but I thought it'll all be worth it.

On the same day of our break up and the day we became official, I wanted to give her that and get her back, but with the barrier and our sunbae, I couldn't approach her even for an inch.

"I give up. It's useless anyway. Might as well die." I stepped on the fence. I feel the wind pushing me back, but my body was pulling me down.

I'm ready.

"Jihoon-ssi?" I slipped as I got shocked hearing the familiar voice. I started feeling scared and cold. I prepared for the painful impact but instead I felt a tight grip on my wrist. "Jihoon-ah! Jihoon-ah! Are you alright?!"

I opened my eyes hesitantly and saw her, holding my wrist, preventing me to fall.


"Let me go, Ann! I want to die!" I yelled, struggling from her grip.

"Are you even thinking right now?!" She yelled back and put up all her might to pull me up. "If you fall, I'll fall with you!" What?

"No! Leave me be!" I shouted but she successfully pulled me up.

I forgot how strong she was...

"Why?!" I spat furiously towards her. She started to look scared so she took a step back while I approach her.

"Because you don't need to kill yourself!" She fought back but she's really terrified.

"Why is that your business?! When was that your business?!"

"It's my business because-"



I still remember her.

Fresh in my memories.

Her beautiful smile.

Her heartwarming laugh.

And her warm company.

"I love you, Jihoon..."

"I love you too, Ann. Always." I placed a diamond designed earrings on the grass and roses before walking off. "Happy 3rd Anniversary."

ㄴIn Loving Memories of Seo Ann

Born: December 23, 19XX

Died: September 17, 2016ㄱ


Sorry if the character died, I really hate doing these dying things. If you want, I'll make a part 3 and fix it all for you for a happy ending, who's up for it?

Seventeen Imagines by saranghaiko。[END]Where stories live. Discover now