31. "12:30" S. Coups = Angst/Happy

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Requested by: narae_glitz22

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This is totally unrelated to this imagines but any of you guys know Hetalia? Would it be alright if I make a one-shot one starring my OC Philippines (cuz my poor cute country isn't really included :'()? Or should I do a full story(idk what it's called xD)? One-shot or a full story? Or both? Just asking for suggestions and stuffs, all is welcome :3

Role: Areum

9 o' clock. The clock showed. Usually, he'd be home before the said time. You knew being an idol is hard, especially since their comeback date is near. You understood him, but you couldn't help yourself to worry.

No text, nor even calls. You were sure they were given breaks. You texted him, even called. Can't he just leave a message?

He left early in the morning without saying anything to you and now he's going home late. What about your quality time together?

You closed your eyes and heaved out a sigh. Only the ticking of the wall clock was heard in your apartment unit.

The silence was soon broken when you heard the door being unlocked. You gazed at the clock. 12:30. You didn't even realized so much time has passed.

"You're still awake. Did you wait up?" S. Coups smiled his exhaustion away, but you noticed. You didn't utter a single word, you just watched as he made his way to your shared bedroom.

As soon as he was out of sight, you gazed to the dining table. Same food for me for tomorrow, I guess. You concluded, a sigh escaping your lips once more.

For tonight, you decided to sleep alone on the couch, feeling quite upset that you didn't want to feel his presence near you.



You counted. The same scenario kept happening. You were getting bored of it. The only time you'd see him is at midnight. You don't even talk. You don't even hug, kiss, even a single touch. Nothing.

Day after day, he starts to look more restless than ever and that made you feel a displeasing sick feeling on your stomach making you worry more.

The hand struck at 12:30. You were done. You waited for him to come home. You were tired of this and you want to talk to him. You just hated the idea of him going home this late and tired. Does he even eat there? You didn't think so. He looked thinner than before!

You heard the door clicked and you prepared yourself. You stood up and greeted him.

"Seungcheol, we need to talk." You said seriously, standing in his way.

"Let's talk tomorrow..." He mumbled and brushed past you but you didn't let him go too far, you held his wrist to stop him.

"Please. We need to. We must! And please eat!" You started raising your voice, hoping for him to agree.

"For Pete's sake, Areum! Just leave me alone!" He too, raised his voice. You were quite taken a back. There was a silent atmosphere in the room and you were the first one to break the ice.

"Alone? You want alone?! Fine! We're over! I'm leaving!" You yelled at his face, harshly letting go of his hand and slammed the door shut when you left.

The next morning, he woke up. It was their day off today so he suddenly became jumpy, excited to spend this day with you. He jumped out of bed and went to the living room but found no sign of a living person.

"Areum? It's my day off today! Wanna go somewhere~?" He called out in a sing-song, hoping for a response from somewhere.

"Areum~" He repeated, hoping to hear your voice but to no luck. His smile were replaced by a displeased frown, knowing that you weren't around.

Did I do something wrong? Did something happened?

Usually, you'd leave a note on the fridge whenever you're going out but he found nothing. What he saw was a plate of his favorite food, covered by a cling wrap. Now he remembers and it was enough for him to break down.

The clock struck at 12:30 and he was waiting, hoping for you to come back. He ate the food you left for him but he didn't have enough energy to eat, especially without her.

When he turned around, he saw you entering the apartment with a huge bag. You just stared at him and hurriedly went to your bedroom.


"I'll leave soon." You said as cold as how he said last night while you stuffed your clothes in the bag.

"N-no, Areum. I'm sorry for last night." He mumbled, like a timid animal, asking forgiveness from its owner.

"Sure. If I punched you and I apologized, would it fix your broken jaw?" His heart was aching, his face obviously showed he was hurt. "I know you'll be like 'Areum please come back to me!' or some shit but I won't accept it." You mimicked how the scenario will go, showing irritation in your voice.

He looked down on the ground. He felt guilty. He felt sad. He felt all negative emotions welling up inside him.

"But..." You continued. That one simple word gave him hope, "Let's just stay friends from now on."


It was better than nothing.

At least you weren't like the clock striking 12:30

Your backs turned against each other looking at different places, and not throwing everything away

Seventeen Imagines by saranghaiko。[END]Where stories live. Discover now