Chapter 2

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"What could you possibly want with me anyway? To toy with me some more? Make fun of me again? Play tricks on me? Haven't you done enough of that these past weeks? Aren't you tired of it by now?" I replied, a little flustered that his hand was still on me. But I'll be damned if I let him know that.

"Yeah well, you give as good as you get, jagiya. And I like that about you. You're feisty, you stand up to me and give me back the shit I give to you. Let me tell you, noone talks to me the way you have these past few weeks and you have no fucking idea how hot that is to me".

Wait, what the fuck? Did I just hear that correctly or am I going crazy?

His intense brown eyed gaze pinned me against the wall just as firmly as his hand, now near the base of my neck.  "Jagiya, you're making that face at me again and it's really fucking hot. I don't know what's going on with you right now but....".

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Well shit, didn't mean to say that out loud.

Rian seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst. "What?"

"You hate me. You've spent the last few weeks making my life hell,  mocking me and toying with me. I used to love coming into the coffee shop every day after work, it was my little haven away from my shitty life. Then you came along and ruined that. I even changed the time I came here to try to avoid you, but that didn't work. So yes, I did initially bat your shit right back you, as you deserve it. But now, what, you're suddenly telling me you like me? I can't read you, I don't know what to believe when it comes to you. You're giving me whiplash. Just tell me what you want and then leave me the fuck alone".

He caught hold of one of my hands and pinned it to the wall above my head, before stepping into me until our chests were touching. His stunningly beautiful face mere inches away and eyes level with mine, he whispered "Well, I guess I'll have to say this loud and clear the best way I know how".

The next thing I knew his lips were on mine, hard, firm and impatient. His tongue seeking permission to meet mine. I was too stunned to move. Holy shit, holy shit HOLY SHIT. Did I mentioned HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

Noting my lack of participation, Rian pulled back, once again staring into my soul from inches away with brown eyes I could drown in. Would willingly drown in.

"I have to say Lex, your reaction to my kiss is a little damaging for my ego. Was it really that bad? I think I should practice with you some more until I get the reaction I truly deserve. don't want me to, that is. I could just leave you the fuck alone like you've been asking me to. Yes, I think that's what you really, truly want after all isn't it? Despite all your flirtations and even though I know you like me just as much as I like you. But you'll never admit it to me will you? Hmm, stubborn girl." With that he stepped away from me half a step and released my hand, but he still held my gaze with a questioning look in his eye.

Fuck, girl, do something, say something. Just fucking do something, you're going to lose him. Get out of your fucking head and just do something!!

Fuck it...

Charmer ||Lee Minho / LeeKnow||Where stories live. Discover now