Chapter 34 - Rian

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Thirty minutes later and we were on our way back to my place to face our impending doom, whatever that may be. I had a pretty good idea that it was going to involve Noah ripping me a new one. After all, as Lex had so kindly pointed out to me already on the drive, I had already broken pretty much every stipulation he had set within the first week of my two week "free pass" period. Don't let it affect my work and don't let any of the other guys find out. Well.... Oops. Double oops. But technically one of those wasn't even my fault and as far as I knew, Kai had kept his mouth shut.

Though I couldn't figure out why he was pulling Lex into the situation. If he wanted to verbally rip into me, then fine, I guess I'd earnt that. But it didn't sit well with me that she was being dragged into this. She'd done nothing wrong, it was all me. And I fully intended to take the blame and shield her from this. I didn't even want to take her back with me. I would much rather stay at hers and we could both relieve some of the stress of the last few days. I'm sure we could find something to do with our time together.

I had even considered leaving and facing him alone, then coming back to her later. Though she'd accidentally seen the reminder text from Noah, making sure to let me know he was expecting to see her tonight as well. She insisted that she was coming along and said that she had played just as much of a role in this mess as I had, so it was only fair that she came along too. I'd tried to argue with her, but she'd rather bluntly told me to shut the fuck up and that she was coming, like it or not. Though glancing over at her now as she was looking quietly out the window, chewing her bottom lip and playing with her ring, I wasn't so sure she thought she'd made the right choice.

"You know, you can stay in the car while I go up and talk to him. He really doesn't need to drag you into this when it's me he is pissed at."

"We've been over this already, Ri. I'm coming too. He wants to see me too, and I'm intrigued by what he has to say, just as much as you. Granted, I'm not looking forward to it, as I don't know him as well as you do, but here I am. I can always cry about it later, I guess" she joked.

"Not funny, Lex. If he makes you cry, then I'm going to be pissed at him. He has no right to.."

"Ri, chill. Neither of us knows what to expect, so let's just try to keep an open mind. I do not want to watch you tearing into each other. Let's just hope for the best, okay? It's going to be fine" she said. Though I wasn't sure which one of us she was trying to convince at this point.

I sighed and we completed the rest of the drive in silence. It wasn't long before I pulled the car into the garage, parking up in one of the free spaces. I'd told Al he could take one of the other cars for the weekend. We had an arrangement that he drove this car during the week for schedules etc, but if I wanted to use it, he could use one of the others instead. I did prefer this car, to be honest and he didn't seem to mind the change. I switched off the engine and turned to Lex, who was looking at me expectantly. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be. Let's go" she said, turning to open the door before jumping out. I did the same and waited for her to reach my side of the car. I took her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. "We'll go straight to my room and stay in there, where you'll hopefully feel a bit more comfortable and he can come to us. Let me know if you're uncomfortable at any time, okay? I'll be there to help if you start feeling a panic attack coming on or anything. Last chance to sit this one out. You know I'd rather not put you in the firing line, but it's your choice Lex" I said to her softly, giving her an out, but knowing full well her stubborn ass wouldn't accept it.

She responded by giving me a quick kiss. "Stalling. Come on, it's now or never" She said, starting off in the direction of the stairs and tugging on my hand.

"Can I choose never instead?" I whined behind her, but followed her anyway. Look at her being brave and facing this shit head on. She's either crazy or brave. Whichever one it is, it's strangely attractive.

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