Chapter 6 🔞

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Rian had taken off his jacket and now stood in front of me in a t-shirt, looking a little cold. He handed me the water bottle and seemed to be checking me over to see if I was back to normal.

"So, did the whimsical ways of our little Dex monster help you at all? Are you feeling better? He asked, opening his water bottle and taking a sip.

"Yeah, it did actually. Surprisingly. He gave me a lot of useful information and tips. Not just about how to deal with my panic attacks" I replied, opening my own water bottle with a raised eyebrow and taking a deep drink.

"Oh, did he now? Pray tell, what words of wisdom has he shared with you, or shouldn't I ask?" Rian asked, with a look of curious excitement on his face.

"Can you get in, you look cold. And I'm not ready to get out yet. Besides, you'll probably want Al to take me home soon I guess" I said, looking down at my feet once again, unable to meet his gaze.

Rian jumped into the empty seat and closed the door. "What are you talking about, why would I want Al to take you home when we just got here? He's taking the guys to the bowling alley right now anyway in another car. Wait, do you want to go home or something? What kind of shit has Dex been saying to you, the little shit?".

Oh crap, here we go. Girl can you try to fix this instead of making it worse?

"No, no that's not what I meant at all. Dex hasn't said anything bad to me at all, rather the opposite..." I countered. "It's just that I know you're mad at me right now for everything and for asking you to leave and I totally get that. I can make my way back home from here, I don't have to wait for Al to come back..."

"Lex, woah, slow the fuck down for a minute. What are you talking about? Why do you think I'm mad at you, you haven't done anything wrong. Can you look at me right now, you've never not looked at me when we talk before. What's going on?" He reached over and placed his hand lightly under my chin, lifting it and turning my face in his direction.

I met his eyes, which were full of concern and confusion. He was searching my face for some kind of clue as to what was going on. I tried to turn away, uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me, but he caught me again and turned me to face him. This time he held me there with a light grip on both of my shoulders.

"Lex, please talk to me. I know I'm an arsehole most of the time, but I do actually care sometimes and I don't like seeing people upset. Especially if it's over something that isn't true. Talk to me, bitch at me like you usually do, I don't care. Just tell me what's going on" he pleaded.

"Hmmm, I think that's the first time I've heard you say please to me" I replied, mockingly, echoing what he had said to me earlier.

"Funny, but stop trying to divert. Talk".

And that's me trying to use humor as a shield. See Dex, I do it just as well as he does. What a fucking pair. No getting out of this one then is there? Can't bullshit a bullshitter. Urgh.

I didn't know where to start. I had no idea how to even begin to say what I wanted to say. I usually avoided having conversations like this with people, always have done. I've never been taught how to communicate properly either, so most of the time I just chose not to. But I needed to grow up and put my big girl pants on and learn. Rian had never shown me this side of himself before and it was slightly unsettling. If he was prepared to put himself out there, I guess I had to meet him halfway.

"Rian, I..... I... I'm not good at expressing how I feel very well. Well unless I'm angry, which I guess you've already discovered. I don't know how to talk about things that matter to me personally. I don't know where to start" I admitted, looking down at my hands.

Charmer ||Lee Minho / LeeKnow||Where stories live. Discover now