Chapter 31 - Rian

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I drew a deep breath of fresh air into my lungs, letting it go with a happy sigh as I looked down on the beautiful sight below me. I absolutely loved it here, atop of this hill we'd spent the last 4 hours climbing, looking down on the forest and the lake at the bottom. The natural beauty of this place soothed my soul and calmed my mind. Just what I needed after the drama this morning.

My day had started peacefully, waking up next to a serene looking Lex. I'd taken a couple of minutes to take in the calmness on her face as she slept, looking so peaceful and comfortable in my bed. I could definitely get used to waking up next to her and I looked forward to spending more mornings with her. Schedule dependent, of course.

I didn't want to wake her, so I left a note on the pillow for her to find when she woke up, so she wouldn't worry about my sudden departure. I figured I could probably squeeze in a quick workout before making her breakfast as a surprise. I wanted to show her that there was more than one side to me, besides the cocky bastard that she had seen from me the most. I wanted her to have no doubt that I liked her and I was looking forward to proving that to her.

I decided to forgo my morning run beside the Han river and decided to hit the gym instead. I was an hour into my workout when Kai came rushing into the gym located on the ground floor of our house. I took out my earphones, wondering what had him so flustered. "The girl in your room has had an accident and is asking for you. She's okay, I think, but you should come up to check on her. I'll explain everything, just come on Hyung" Kai said quickly, turning and heading back the way he came, leading me upstairs. What the fuck? Why was he even in my room in the first place?

I dropped everything and rushed after him. I'd chew him out later for invading my private space, but right now my main concern was getting to Lex and figuring out what the hell had happened in my absence. I've only been gone just over an hour, what could she have possibly done in that time? I sprinted past him on the stairs and rushed to my room, throwing open the door to find her on the floor with Dex beside her.

I'd let out a sigh of relief once I knew she wasn't hurt, but that relief was quickly replaced by anger once she had explained what happened. I automatically defaulted into protective asshole mode and anger took over, controlling my thoughts and actions.

Looking back on it, I was appalled at myself for losing control like that in front of her and for taking it out on Kai. I knew I had to apologise to him for my behaviour, so I'd gone straight to him to apologise and try to explain. Thankfully, he is a very chilled guy and we never usually go at each other like that, so he knew there must be a reason for why I acted that way. I still wasn't calm enough to explain everything to him properly, but we'd at least smoothed things over and settled things between us.

Facing Lex afterwards was a different matter. I hated myself for showing that side of myself to her again. I'd already broken the promise I'd made to myself last night, or rather this morning, after our conversation. Great fucking job, Ri. I'd confused her enough with my behaviour these last few weeks, so I'd promised myself to show her the best side of me that I could going forward. Knowing I had already broken that promise to myself and to her, even though she didn't know about it, filled me with so much disappointment and embarrassment with myself that I couldn't bear to look her in the eye. She'd had the courage to stand up to me in my anger and I'd repaid her by being a fucking prick. Even when we'd talked a little bit about it afterwards, she'd held her ground and showed understanding. She really is something else. Dex is right, I should look after her and learn from her.

I wanted to make it up to her and apologise for my shitty behaviour already today. We'd shared a shower together and it wasn't just the hot water that caused us to get all hot and bothered. I wanted to show her that I appreciated her, so I'd started by giving her as many orgasms as she could stand before she demanded my own release. After we were both satisfied, I made us a quick breakfast whilst she got ready. We decided whilst eating that we would go for a hike to spend the last part of the weekend together.

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