Chapter 24 - Rian

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Dex opened the car door and hopped in before I'd even fully come to a stop.

"Jeez, you guys took your time showing up didn't you? Where the hell have you been? I've been hiding out in my room, scared for my safety" Dex said by way of greeting.

"Cut the dramatics Dex, will you. You're lucky we even came to get you. Just remember I can kick you out anytime. I've only agreed so that you can stop holding this debt over my head. And because Lex has suddenly decided to side with you on this one, my options are limited" I said disgruntledly.

"I can't help it if your girl clearly has good taste. Well, except when it comes to you. Clearly she chose the wrong one of us" he joked, smirking at me as I looked at him in the rearview mirror.

I could feel the flush creeping up my face and I could feel my ears starting to turn red at his comment. Your girl. I glanced over at Lex to see if she had picked up on it too, but she had turned around in her seat and was looking at Dex.

"If I'd have known he'd get this pissy over cheesecake, I may have reconsidered my options" Lex said playfully, winking at Dex, then throwing a glance in my direction.

"Oh, is that so? Well, I can always pull the car over and let you two keep flirting and enjoy a cheesecake date alone if you like? I'll just go back home and think up some new air fryer recipes with Noah or something. Crispy Quokka sounds quite appealing." I joked.

"Ya! We're only playing around, Hyung. Please, I don't want to go in the air fryer" Dex whined, giving me his big puppy eyed look in the mirror.

"In the air fryer? What are you guys talking about?" Lex asked with a puzzled expression.

Dex and I laughed. "Inside joke. Long story" I said.

"Yeah, he won't really cook me, because he knows he'd lose one of the very few people willing to put up with him and his shit. Then what would he do with himself, I wonder?" Dex said jovially.

"Guess I'll end up being stuck with him instead, huh?" Lex said, grinning at me.

"You two do realise that I have no qualms about kicking you out and leaving you on the street to fend for yourselves, right?" I retaliated.

"Awww, don't be like that Ri Ri. You wouldn't leave your two favourite people defenseless and weak from cheesecake deprivation in the streets would you? You love us too much, we all know it" Dex said, taunting me.

Lex threw her head back and burst into laughter. "Wait, wait. Stop it! Ri Ri?! That's brilliant" she managed to choke out, her shoulders shaking with her laughter and her eyes starting to water from laughing so much.

"I hate you both" I muttered, staring straight ahead and focusing on the road instead.

"Oh don't be like that Ri Ri" Dex chuckled, trying to fight off the laughter that shone in his eyes.

"Shut up, you clowns" I hissed, trying to fight the smile tugging at the corner of my mouth..

Dex lost it and joined Lex laughing at me. I sighed dramatically and rolled my eyes.

They continued laughing at me for the rest of the short drive to the diner which served the best cheesecake in town, according to Dex. I pulled up outside and cut the engine. "You clowns can stay here and compose yourselves while I go and get the cheesecake" I said, as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"No, I want to go inside today. I'm trying to stay away from Noah as long as possible. Besides, it looks quiet in there today, not many people around, so we'll be fine to sit in. We'll just get a booth at the back or something" Dex protested, unfastening his own seatbelt, throwing open the door and hopping out excitedly.

Charmer ||Lee Minho / LeeKnow||Where stories live. Discover now