Chapter 22 🔞

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Ri grabbed my hand and spun me around after catching up with me. "Jagi, you can't just walk off into the forest by yourself. There are a lot of weirdos that might find you and follow you and who knows what they are thinking" he said, pulling me into his arms.

"Yeah, I know. One of them already has" I smirked at him.

"Rude. True, but rude. Maybe I should keep hold of you so you don't attract anyone else."

"There's nobody else here Ri" I laughed. "Unless you're protecting me from the bugs, birds and the trees, I think I'll be fine. Now come on, let's go for a walk and explore."

"Okay fine, but you're going the wrong way. There's a trail I usually take this way. Come on Jagi."

I followed him onto a downtrodden path that led us deeper into the forest. Sparkling shafts of sunlight fell down through the trees onto the forest floor, illuminating the colourful array of flowers growing there. A chorus of bird song and buzzing insects serenaded us as we walked. I skipped ahead and threw my arms out and spun in a circle, smiling up at the canopy above. "This is amazing! It's so beautiful here! I can't believe I've never been here before. This place looks magical. You said you come here camping Ri? It must be so great to be out here in nature at night or by the lake under the stars. I'd love to come with you sometime, if you'd let me? It's so beautiful!"

He laughed, watching me from a couple of feet away. "This place isn't the only thing that's beautiful, Lex." He walked over to me and held my hands, spinning me around a couple of times, before pulling me against him. "I've never seen anyone so happy to be in the middle of nowhere and dancing in the forest. It's adorable. I think we should definitely come back and camp sometime. We could finally spend some time alone together without worrying about being interrupted all the time. That sounds like bliss. I'd get you all to myself, to do whatever I want with you all weekend long. Hmmm, it's sounding better and better the more I think about it" he purred, trying to pull me into a kiss.

"Yeah and also slightly creepy when you say it like that, Ri" I laughed, pulling back to look at him. I noticed a flash of colour flutter over his head and followed it with my eyes, realising it was a gorgeous butterfly. "Oh wow, look at that!" I said excitedly, pulling out of his arms and following after the butterfly. I heard him laugh again from behind me. The butterfly landed on a partially fallen tree a couple of feet away. I moved slowly and quietly towards it, then knelt down to watch it as it sat peacefully on the bark. It really is so beautiful here. I really should get myself out into nature more and stop being a hermit all the time, I thought to myself.

I sensed movement behind me and looked over my shoulder to see Ri coming towards me, with a massive smile on face. He stopped when he reached me and also knelt down. I grinned at him and pointed to the butterfly and whispered "Look at it, it's so amazing. I've never seen one up close before. Isn't it pretty?" I looked back at the butterfly and watched it for a few seconds more before it fluttered its wings and flew away.

"Yes, very pretty indeed" Ri said, drawing my attention to him. He was looking at me with sparkling eyes and a beautiful smile on his lips. He stood, lightly pulling me up with him by placing his hands under my elbows. He stepped into me, pushing me back gently against the fallen tree and bringing one hand up to cup the back of my head, the other cupping my cheek. "So pretty" he whispered, before kissing me deeply.

I pushed against his chest lightly and he pulled back. "Really? Here? What if someone comes past, Ri?"

"Then they are going to have to keep walking. I'm not waiting anymore, Jagi. Now shh, it's play time" he said, before crashing his lips against mine.

Well, you did agree on anytime, anywhere with him, so... I matched his level of enthusiasm and kissed him back, throwing my hands behind his head and pulling him harder against my lips, earning a small groan from him. His foot nudged my feet apart and he brought his knee up carefully between my legs, sliding his knee up higher and stopping at the apex of my thighs. He rested his knee against the tree trunk and his hands moved down to my hips, lacing his thumbs through the belt hoops. He tugged my hips forward, slowly dragging them along his thigh, creating a delicious friction against my sensitive parts, causing me to release a shocked gasp into his mouth. He smiled against my lips. He moved his mouth from mine and lowered his head against the skin on my neck, his tongue making slow, lazy circles against my skin. He stopped moving his tongue and said "You know what to do if you want me to stop. Just say the words" he said against my skin, moving his knee upwards slightly, increasing the pressure.

Charmer ||Lee Minho / LeeKnow||Where stories live. Discover now