Chapter 18 🔞

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I woke suddenly in a strange room and it took me a couple of seconds to remember where I was. The room was still fairly dark, but I could tell from the tendrils of light creeping around the curtains that it was almost dawn. I lifted my head slightly to find I was still cuddled against Ri, but at some point he had turned towards me and had both his arms wrapped around me. The man is a secret sleep snuggler, I thought, smiling to myself. Who would have thought it?

A movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned to look in the direction and realised the bedroom door was closing softly. I sat up quickly, pulling the covers to cover my bare chest. Shit, shit, shit. Has someone just been in here and seen us together? Oh no, this isn't good. Shit. What if....

Ri grumbled and his hand reached for me, trying to pull me back down into the bed. "Mmmm Jagi, what are you doing? Get back here, it's too early" he mumbled.

I turned to face him, shaking him lightly. "Ri, seriously. Someone was just in here. I just saw the door close. What if someone saw us together?" I whispered to him.

"Ugh stop, woman. Come back to sleep already" he groaned.

"Ri. Please, I'm serious. Listen to me will you? Someone was in here.". It was no use, he clearly wasn't listening to me, or fully awake for that matter.

"Jagi, you probably just dreamt it or something. Just come back to bed and bring the covers with you, I'm getting cold and lonely over here." He tugged me back down against his chest and tightened his arms around me.

"Ri, I definitely saw the door closing. I didn't dream it."

"Mmmm? It was probably just Noah letting the cats out for their breakfast. Sometimes if he's up early, or just going to bed, he hears the cats pawing the door and opens it to let them out. No biggie, he does it all the time. Now shut up and sleep." He whispered, sighing heavily.

"But...." I started.

"Jagi, enough. I'm not worried about it, so neither should you be. If it was Noah and he had seen anything, trust me, I would have been ripped out of this bed by my little toe already. Anyone else wouldn't even dare set foot over that threshold while I'm sleeping, not even Dex. So pipe down, shut that pretty mouth of yours and go back to dreaming of me."

Well, I guess that's me told. Still, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in my gut. I rolled over in his arms, facing away from him, my back against his chest. He pulled me closer into his chest and nuzzled his face against my neck.

I tried, I really tried to get back to sleep again. I mean, if he wasn't worried, then I shouldn't be, right? I snuggled into his embrace, moving my hips backwards to get more of my body against his. He returned the favour by moving his own body against mine, spooning me. He placed a soft kiss against my neck, sighing sleepily.

I lay there for a couple of minutes, trying to focus on deep breathing techniques that usually helped calm me and lull me to sleep, when I felt something twitch against my ass. I smiled to myself, realising what it was. Well, I could try to go back to sleep. Or....

I moved my hips, pushing my ass against him. I felt that twitch again and took it as an invitation to carry on grinding myself against him. I wonder how long it will take to wake him up this way, I thought to myself.

As it turned out, it was less than a minute. "Ummm, I thought you were going back to sleep Jagi" he muttered softly against my neck, placing another soft kiss against my neck and pushing himself against my ass cheek..

"I was trying to, but it seems you have other ideas" I replied, moving my hips again to emphasize my point.

"Ummm. Sure sure, I don't think I believe you somehow. I'm the victim here. I was just innocently snoozing, when some hot girl started grinding herself on me" he whispered into my ear.

Charmer ||Lee Minho / LeeKnow||Where stories live. Discover now