Chapter 3 🔞

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Deciding to listen to my inner voice, I grabbed Rian by the collar with one hand and pulled him crashing back against my lips, hard. He let a out a surprised moan so low it rumbled against my chest. Shit that's fucking hot. I parted my lips for him, this time my tongue sought out his, taking control and deepening the kiss until all I could think of was the taste of him in my mouth, the scent of him all around me and the feel of his hot, hard body pressed against mine. He moaned again, louder this time, which lit a fire inside me. His hand went up to reach for my hair, but I caught it and used the momentum to spin him round, pushing him against the wall instead and breaking the kiss.

Rian looked at me, panting and that fucking smirk returned to his face.

"Damn jagiya, why the hell have you been keeping that from me this whole time?".

I needed to kiss that smirk right off his beautiful face right fucking now. I grinned at him and let him see the mischief shining in my own eyes before I kissed him again, this time not even bothering to hold back. I'd been waiting for weeks to do this, imagined this moment so many fucking times yet never thought it would actually happen and I was damn well going to show him how much I wanted, no, needed him right now.

His hand tried to reach for my hair again, but I batted it away. Instead, I pinned him against the wall and set to laying my needful kisses down his throat, moaning myself at the sweet taste of his skin. I made my way down to his collarbones, his fucking beautiful collarbones and lost my restraint. I gently bit just above his collarbone and the moan that escaped him was so loud I laughed against his skin. I worked my way back up to his jawline, leaving blazing kisses and bites in my wake. Just as I claimed his mouth again, Rian growled, low and rumbling, tightening lower parts of me. His hand flew to the back of my neck, pulling me against his demanding mouth, trying to claim more of me. He spun us around and next thing I knew, it was my time against the wall.

He pinned both of my hands in his and held them above my head, before leaving a trail of his own burning kisses down my throat, which had me melting and groaning with desire. He pulled back at the noise, stared me dead in the eyes and with a smirk whispered "my turn to taste you".

His mouth found my neck again and started to work lower until he reached the top of my shirt. He pushed down the neckline to reveal the top of my cleavage and let out a whistle. "Damn, jagiya, these are fucking insane. The things I could do with these. But for now...."

He reached up under my shirt, grasping my breast in his hand and claimed my mouth once more. His tongue thrust inside my parted lips and caressed my tongue, whilst his hand found and rolled my nipple between his thumb and index finger, already hard with desire for him. He swore against my lips and thrust his hips against me so hard I thought we would go through the wall.

Rian broke the kiss and crouched down to put his head under my shirt to get to my free breast.

"Rian, what the fuck? You're going to ruin my shirt" I laughed.

"I want to ruin more than this shirt right now. Fuck the shirt, I'll buy you a new one. I'll buy you a whole fucking new wardrobe if you just let me..."

He never finished that sentence. Instead he lifted the hem of my shirt just enough so he could reach what he desired. His tongue ran hot, wet, slow circles around my nipple, until he slowly drew it into his mouth. Synchronised moans escaped us both at the action. Holy shit, what is happening? Is this real? I feel like I'm about to lose my shit in a fucking alleyway with this man.

I was rudely ripped out of my thoughts and my attention drawn away from the pleasure Rian was inflicting on me by a loud bang coming from the left a couple of feet away from us.

Rian froze. Shit, what was that? Holy shit, has someone seen us? Holy crap, we're in an alleyway, totally exposed for all to see. Have I lost my everloving fricking mind? Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.

Rian pulled his head away from my chest and pulled my shirt down. He still stayed close to me, almost shielding me with his body, as we both stared in the direction of the noise, unable to move. There, the noise again, this time a little closer. But wait, no, another one from slightly further back. Shit, is there more than one person here watching us?

At the new noise, Rian angled himself in front of me, pulling me in against his back. Alert and ready to face whoever was coming towards us. Seconds that felt like hours passed and then Rian threw his head back and let out a rumbling laugh.

"What? What's so funny? What's going on Rian? Who is that, let me see?" I said, trying to wiggle my way under his arm.

He moved slightly and then pointed further down the alley where we had originated from. Following his gaze, I saw three set of eyes, 12 legs and a lot of fuzzy fur as three cats were staring at us, looking confused as to why we were here.

I let out a laugh of my own and rested my head against Rians shoulder. "Oh for fucks sake, I thought someone had come down and caught us"

"It seems we now have an audience" he said, glancing between me and our three new found friends. "I don't know about you Jagiya, but I am nowhere near done with you and I sure as hell am not done playing with you and exploring your magnificent form. But I fear I may scar these poor kitties for life if I do the things to you I have in my mind right now. So how about we take this somewhere more private and I can have you all to myself without being watched?"

"I would have thought you were used to being watched by now sir. I know you secretly love it, don't deny it "

"Well, yes, sometimes I do, it's my job. But some things, like you Jagiya, deserved to be cherished and adored privately. And I don't like sharing. So what do you say? Should we continue somewhere more comfortable?" Rian asked, that knowing smirk and glint in his eyes returning.

Hmm, let's see. Do I want to carry on this super hot session we have barely started yet with this ridiculously hot man who I've been longing for for weeks? Let me think about it for a sec.....

"Abso-fucking-lutely. Ga-ja!"

Charmer ||Lee Minho / LeeKnow||Where stories live. Discover now