Chapter 9 - Lex 🔞

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"RIAN! You fucking pushed me in, you bastard!" I shouted at Ri, pushing the water from my eyes, only to see him standing on the edge of the pool with a look or horror on his face. In a split second, his face transformed into a look of pure delight as he began laughing uncontrollably. He bent at the hip, his arms wrapped around his waist and his head dropped down as his shoulders shook with his fierce laughter.

"It's not funny, you prick. I can't believe you did that. Actually, I don't know why I'm surprised, it's not out of character for you to pull something like this. Stop laughing and help me out" I said , as I started to walk myself over to the side of the pool. I don't even think he could hear me, he was still laughing so hard, almost breathless himself.

By the time I'd reached the side of the pool, he had at least uncurled himself and was stood up straight. His arms were still wrapped around his waist, almost as if he was trying to keep his sides from splitting open from laughing so much. His eyes were closed tightly, his nose scrunched up adorably and he had the biggest open mouthed grin on his face. I stood completely still at the sight of it. He looked so pure and happy in that moment, it was all I could do to stand there staring up at him in complete awe of how beautiful he looked right now. Despite everything, I felt a smile of my own spreading over my face and a laugh escape from my lips.

He slowly seemed to regain control of himself and his hysterical laughter calmed down to breathy chuckles. He finally opened his eyes and looked down on me from where he stood above me, eyes twinkling with the joy that still shone there. "Lex, are you alright?" he managed to splutter out, desperately trying to regain his composure, but still chuckling to himself.

I extended my hand above my head to him, hoping he would take the hint and help me out of the pool. "I will be when you help me out and I can get warmed up. Please can you help me out?" I said, my voice softer than it had been a few minutes ago..

He dropped into a squat next to the pool, braced one hand on the floor and reached out to grab my hand to pull me up. I grabbed his hand in mine, placed one foot on the side of the pool, then pulled with everything I had and tugged him into the pool with me.

"LEXI!!!" he shouted from behind me and I turned to face him, finding him standing behind me now rubbing the water out of his own eyes. "I can't swim, damn it!" He barked at me, scrambling past me to get to the edge of the pool.

I spun back around, laughing at him this time. "Not so funny when it happens to you is it?" I said, a playful smile spreading across my lips.

He didn't answer, in fact he didn't do anything apart from desperately try to get out of the water. He reminds me of a cat that accidentally falls into the bathtub, I thought to myself and let out a low chuckle.

He had pulled himself out of the pool and sat on the side of the pool, panting lightly and rubbing the water out of his eyes again, whilst throwing a scowl at me. "Not funny Lex. And for the record, I didn't push you in, you tripped, I was just trying to catch you, but I didn't want to risk falling in myself" he huffed at me.

"Aww don't get pissy just because I finished what you started. Besides, you look good wet. Really fucking good" I said, throwing a mischievous grin his way. It wasn't a lie, he did look fucking hot right now. The white t-shirt he was wearing was now clinging in all the right places and I took a moment to appreciate the sight. I couldn't take my eyes away from the way it clung to his biceps, chest and abs. Oh my fucking word, those abs. I had never seen him wear anything so fitting before. I felt like I was going feral at the sight of him. I know it wasn't exactly polite to openly gawk at him like I was right now, but I couldn't help it. Besides, he's been perving at my arse all day, so now it was my turn.

I slowly lifted my eyes back up to his face, mentally cataloguing all of the wonderful things to grace my eyes on the way. When I finally reached his face again, I noticed he was still frowning at me. "Don't look at me like you're mad for me appreciating how good you look right now, Ri. You can look moody all you want. Wet, moody and hot....mmm" I purred at him, biting my lower lip. A bit of honesty, humour and a fucking hot man in a wet t-shirt has sent you loopy. Yep, you've gone absolutely feral for him right now. I made to reach for his legs that were hanging over the side of the pool.

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